Title IX Resources and Information
Saint Mary’s College is committed to providing a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all members of our community. Saint Mary’s will not tolerate sexual orientation discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, or other forms of sexual misconduct committed by or against students, staff or faculty.
We share the responsibility for creating a safer, more caring campus culture in which bias, harassment, and violence have no place—and every member of our community is able to flourish. Saint Mary’s complies with applicable state and federal statutes, including Title IX of the federal Higher Education Amendment of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity receiving federal financial aid. Sexual assault and sexual harassment are forms of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.
Support is available to anyone who has experienced gender-based harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, or other forms of sexual misconduct. Such Title IX violations may also be reported to the Title IX Coordinator using the College’s Incident Reporting Form or by contacting the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinators listed below.
Report a Title IX Incident
For the person completing this form, it is your choice whether to remain anonymous. However, please know that doing so may limit the College's ability to address and assist you.