Title IX Support and Resources
Support is available to anyone who has experienced gender-based harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, or other forms of sexual misconduct. Such Title IX violations may also be reported to the Title IX Coordinator using the College’s Incident Reporting Form or by contacting the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinators listed below.
Title IX Contacts
Liz Baumann (she/her)
Title IX Officer
027 Student Center
titleix@saintmarys.edu | ecoulston@saintmarys.edu
Karen Barber (she/her)
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Facilities Building
Mona Bowe (she/her/ella)
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
245 Student Center
Adriana Petty (she/her)
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
214 Student Center
Shay Schneider (she/her)
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
247 Student Center

Confidential Support Resources
Do you need to talk to someone? Saint Mary's College provides various support resources and services to students as well as faculty and staff members who have been impacted by sexual assault, sexual misconduct, stalking, or dating/domestic violence.
Counseling Services
Belles Against Violence Office (BAVO): 574-284-4081 | bellesagainstviolence@saintmarys.edu
Health and Counseling Center: 574-284-4805 | HCCenter@saintmarys.edu
S-O-S of the Family Justice Center: 574-289-4357
RAINN: The National Sexual Assault Hotline: Call or Text 1-800-656-4673, or chat online
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
Callisto Support for Survivors and Friends of Survivors
24/7 Crisis Hotline: Text "HOME" to 741741
Suicide & Crisis Hotline: Call 988
Health and Counseling Center: 574-284-4805
Memorial Hospital of South Bend (provides medical and/or forensic examinations 24/7): 574-647-1000
St. Joseph Regional Medical Center (SANE nurse available 24/7): 574-335-5000
Pastoral Care
Center for Faith, Action, & Ministry: 574-284-4805 | cfam@saintmarys.edu
How to Offer Support
Additional Resources
Resources for Pregnant and Parenting Students
Saint Mary's Policy on Sex/Gender-Based Harassment, Discrimination and Misconduct against Students
Memorandum of Understanding (Saint Mary's College - University of Notre Dame - Holy Cross College)
Title IX Office Staff Training Materials