Title IX Policy and Procedures

Title IX Policy and Procedures

We share the responsibility for creating a safer, more caring campus culture in which bias, harassment, and violence have no place—and every member of our community is able to flourish. Saint Mary’s complies with applicable state and federal statutes, including Title IX of the federal Higher Education Amendment of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity receiving federal financial aid. Sexual assault and sexual harassment are forms of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.

Reporting A Violation 

Any person may report sexual misconduct to the College. The person making the report does not have to be the person alleged to have experienced the misconduct, nor are they required to be affiliated with the College. The College receives reports of sexual misconduct through the Title IX Coordinator or one of the Deputy Coordinators.  
Confidentiality: Title IX is a non-confidential reporting office. The wishes of the Complainant are always considered and weighed against community safety. Disclosures of private information is limited to reasonable necessity.
Additional options for reporting include:
1.  Submit an Online Title IX report or contact a member of our Title IX Team
2.  Talk to a Confidential Resource on or off Campus
3.  Contact the appropirate Law Enforcement Agency or SMC Campus Safety 
  •    St. Joseph County Police (violation occurs on campus);  
  •    City of South Bend Police Department (violation occurs off SMC Campus, within the City of South Bend);
  •    Notre Dame Police (violation occurs on the University of Notre Dame Campus)
If you need immediate support outside of business hours:

What happens after reporting?

Following receipt of a report, you will be contacted by a Title IX Deputy to talk through options and resources. Our main goal is to ensure that an individual who has experienced a type of sexual harassment/misconduct is able to access available support measures, both on and off campus.  We will work with you to clarify the Title IX procedures and possible next steps. 

Title IX Procedure & Reporting Options

1.  Supportive Measures Only - no formal complaint is filed but the Complainant continues to receive support measures provided by the College;
2.  Formal Investigation Process - a formal complaint is filed and the Complainant and Respondent both participate in the investigation and live hearing process; and
3.  Informal Resolution Process - a formal complaint is filed and both parties (and the Title IX Coordinator) agree to participate in an informal process to determine a resolution.
The Saint Mary's College Title IX Policy can be accessed here.
An overview of the Title IX Reporting Procedures can be accessed here
A list of definitions can be found here.


Report a Title IX Incident