Welcome to the Division for Inclusion and Equity. Our offices exist as an institutional response to achieve inclusive excellence across Saint Mary’s and to address the growing needs of our changing campus community. This division serves as an essential resource in furthering the College’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion while fostering a learning environment for all members to succeed in an increasingly diverse and global society.
The mission of the Division for Inclusion and Equity is to educate and empower the Saint Mary’s community through collaboration and resources to create a welcoming, inclusive, and safe environment for all constituents and to cultivate a culture of academic and institutional excellence. The division supports Saint Mary’s mission and core values committed to learning, community, faith/spirituality, and justice.
Advisory and Leadership
President’s Council on Inclusivity and Multicultural Diversity (PCIMD) is an advisory and leadership team responsible for developing, overseeing, and monitoring College-wide efforts to achieve Saint Mary’s commitment to inclusivity and multicultural diversity as core institutional and educational values. Learn More.
Multicultural Services
The Multicultural Services and Student Programs: Support for students from diverse cultures, international students, and first-generation through outreach, programming, and collaboration with on-campus partners.
Student Diversity Board
Student Diversity Board: Dedicated to celebrating and building awareness of diverse perspectives through programming on campus, this group of student leaders promote belonging and create opportunities for connection with events like movie nights and the annual Mosaic networking event (complete with food trucks!).

Community Resources
The Division for Inclusion and Equity offers a variety of educational programs, reference materials, books, and films. We also provide assistance for those who have witnessed or experienced a bias incident.
See Something, Say Something
Saint Mary’s College is committed to fostering a welcoming and safe environment for all members of the College community and encourages all who have witnessed or experienced a bias incident to report it. In case of an emergency, please call Campus Safety at (574) 284-5000 or dial 911. Otherwise, use the link submit a Bias Incident Report which will go directly to the executive director of inclusion and equity. You can also utilize these other campus resources for assistance: