Belles Against Violence Office, Saint Mary's College
Phone: 574-284-4081 (BAVO can be reached outside of business hours through Saint Mary's Security, 574.284.5000.)
Location: Angela Athletic and Wellness Center, Saint Mary's College
What: The Belles Against Violence Office of Saint Mary's College provides support and advocacy services for students who have been impacted by sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. Support is also provided to students with friends and family members who have been directly impacted. The coordinator helps students understand options, shares resources, and, upon request, accompanies students as they access services on campus or in the community (i.e. medical care, campus or law enforcement reporting, etc.).
When: 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.
Who: Serving students who have experienced or know someone who has experienced relationship violence, sexual assault, or stalking
Why: If you would like:
- to receive immediate support and/or to learn of campus and community resources;
- to talk with a professional advocate to process experiences of violence and abuse; or
- to have someone accompany you to campus or community services.
Campus Safety, Saint Mary's College
Phone: 574-284-5000
Location: Campus Safety Office, Saint Mary's College
What: The Campus Safety Department of Saint Mary's College responds to the needs of the College community to promote safety and security.
When: 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.
Who: Serving anyone who has experienced or knows someone who has experienced relationship violence, sexual assault, or stalking on the Saint Mary's College campus AND any students who have experienced these issues, even if the situation occurred off campus.
Why: To receive immediate support and/or to learn of campus departments or community resources; To discuss the possibility of instituting a no trespassing letter; To receive transportation to and/or referrals for off-campus medical services and local police departments.
Residence Life & Community Standards, Saint Mary's College
Phone: Holy Cross Hall - 574-284-4300
Le Mans Hall - 574-284-4242
McCandless Hall - 574-284-5400
Regina Hall - 574-284-4299
What: Residence Life staff provide immediate, short-term support to survivors of violence and their friends. The department is responsible for overseeing matters of the Code of Student Conduct. This includes the Sexual Assault Policy which encourages students who have knowledge of a sexual assault to contact support services without the fear of being charged with alcohol/drug policy violations.
When: 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. A Residence Life staff member is available 24/7. Please contact the front desk of each residence hall or Security to get in contact with this person.
Who: Serving students who have experienced or know someone who has experienced relationship violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
Why: To receive immediate, short-term support and/or to learn of with campus and community resources available.
S-O-S (Sexual Offense Services)
Phone: 574-289-HELP (4357)
What: A local confidential helpline and hospital advocacy
When: 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.
Who: Serving anyone who has experienced or knows someone who has experienced relationship violence, sexual assault, sexual abuse, or stalking.
Why: If you have questions or concerns and are looking for answers or if you have strong emotions and simply want someone to listen.
YWCA North Central Indiana
Phone: 574-233-9491 866-YES-YWCA (866-937-9922)
Address: 1102 South Fellows, South Bend, IN 46601
What: A local confidential helpline and residential and non-residential services for domestic violence and sexual assault.
When: 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.
Who: Helpline – serving anyone who has experienced or knows someone who has experienced relationship violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Shelter – provided for anyone who has experienced relationship violence, sexual assault, or stalking and is in danger
Why: Contact the help line if you have questions or concerns, need help safety planning, and are looking for answers or if you have strong emotions and simply want someone to listen. Contact the shelter if you are fearful for your immediate safety and need some place to stay away from your partner who is abusive.
Rape, Incest, and Abuse National Network (RAINN)
Phone: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
What: A national confidential helpline –by phone OR online!
When: 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.
Who: Serving anyone who has experienced or knows someone who has experienced any form of sexual assault including rape, sexual abuse, and incest
Why: If you have questions or concerns and are looking for answers or if you have strong emotions and simply want someone to listen.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Phone: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
What: A national confidential helpline
When: 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.
Who: Serving anyone who has experienced or knows someone who has experienced any form of relationship violence – physical, verbal/psychological, spiritual, financial, or sexual abuse
Why: If you have questions or concerns and are looking for answers or if you have strong emotions and simply want someone to listen
St. Joseph Regional Medical Center
Address: 5215 Holy Cross Parkway, Mishawaka, IN 46545, (Near the intersection of Main & Douglas)
Phone: 574-335-1110, Emergency Department
What: A local emergency care center with specially trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) providing medical and/or forensic examinations
When: 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.
Who: Serving anyone who has experienced a physical or sexual assault.
Why: If you have been violated physically and are concerned for your health (i.e. potential STDs, broken bones, etc.) and/or are potentially interested in making a police report following a sexual assault.
Memorial Hospital of South Bend - Emergency Care Center
Address: 615 North Michigan Street, South Bend, IN 46601-1087
Phone: 574-647-1000
What: A local emergency care center providing medical and/or forensic examinations
When: 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.
Who: Serving anyone who has experienced a physical or sexual assault.
Why: If you have been violated physically and are concerned for your health (i.e. potential STDs, broken bones, etc.) and/or are potentially interested in making a police report following a sexual assault.