The Belles Against Violence Office (BAVO), rooted in the Catholic Church’s faith and social teaching, cultivates a culture free from violence through education, training, support, and advocacy. BAVO engages the Saint Mary’s College community to prevent and respond to sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking.
How can BAVO help?
BAVO is a one-stop-shop for students at Saint Mary's College. Whether you have a question about what healthy relationships look like, you, or someone you know, has been impacted by interpersonal violence, or you just need a safe space to process your relationships, BAVO is here for you! The BAVO Coordinator is a trained mental health professional specializing in trauma-informed care and multicultural approaches. As a confidential resource, she can help provide you with counseling sessions, general advocacy appointments, and much more!
Student Involvement
Do you want to become involved in the fight against violence on our campus? Reach out to us! Each year, the Belles Against Violence Office has 6 Student Advisory Committee (SAC) members serving to help and represent BAVO. The SAC members are trained and have the ability to be confidential resources, only reporting to the BAVO Coordinator. We recognize sometimes it may be difficult to reach out to a faculty or staff member about these tough topics, so remember that the SAC members are trained peers at the ready to provide you with support! SAC members also co-chair the Empowerment Campaign Committee and the Education & Prevention Committee. You can become an ally and volunteer under these committees by reaching out to our BAVO Coordinator.
Check out our upcoming events!
Alexa Zapata '20, MSW (she/her/ella)
BAVO Coordinator - Spanish speaking
164 Health & Counseling Center
(574) 284-4081
Contact us for support:
164 Angela Athletic & Wellness Complex
574-284-4081 |
The BAVO coordinator is a confidential resource on campus. She is not mandated to report to the college or the police.
Follow us on social media (@BAVOSMC) for updates!
Additional Resources
Health & Counseling Center: 574-284-4805
SOS of the Family Justice Center: 574-289-4357
YWCA of North Central Indiana (provides safe shelter for residents of St. Joseph County): 574-233-9491
RAINN Hotline: 800-656-4673
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988
Health & Counseling Center: 574-284-4805
St. Joseph Regional Medical Center (SANE nurse available 24/7): 574-335-2532
Memorial Hospital of South Bend: 574-647-1000
Center for Faith, Action, and Ministry (CFAM): 574-284-4805
Campus Safety (available 24/7): 574-284-5000
Title IX: 574-284-5099