Saint Mary’s Emulates Camino de Santiago Read More Saint Mary’s Emulates Camino de Santiago American Pilgrims on the Camino held their Saint James Jubilee Celebration on campus July 23-26. Saint Mary’s College Hosts Team USA Read More Saint Mary’s College Hosts Team USA The United States Olympic Women’s Wrestling team arrived at Saint Mary's this week, along with members of the US National Team, the U23 national wrestling team, coaches, trainers, and hundreds of invitation-only fans. The teams are here to conduct their final training camp at Angela Athletic & Wellness Complex prior to departing for the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo. 2021 Reunion Read More 2021 Reunion On Saturday, June 5, four outstanding alumnae were honored at the 2021 Reunion for their dedication to their profession, faith, and the mission of the College. What a Difference a Year Makes Read More What a Difference a Year Makes In her June letter, President Conboy reflects on her first year at Saint Mary's, its challenges and difficult decisions, but looks forward to the fall with an invigorated spirit of purpose. Leadership Through COVID-19 Read More Leadership Through COVID-19 Throughout the pandemic, we have shared stories of alumnae, faculty, staff, and students who have, in the face of uncertainty, risen to the challenge to make their corner of the world a bit better. In this story, you'll learn about 14 Saint Mary's students who are facing COVID-19 head on. A Roadmap for the Next Decade Read More A Roadmap for the Next Decade In this period of changing U.S. demographics and global connection, Saint Mary’s must renew its commitment to meeting the needs of the times—expanding the boundaries of who we are and imagining in fresh ways who we can be. How Interprofessional Education Transforms Learning Experiences Read More How Interprofessional Education Transforms Learning Experiences How do you educate students today to lead in tomorrow's healthcare space? Improving a Sense of Belonging Read More Improving a Sense of Belonging “Nadia” is a Saint Mary’s junior; a first-generation student from rural Texas. Finance Presentation Yields Lifelong Returns Read More Finance Presentation Yields Lifelong Returns Retired adjunct professor Mark Bradford gave a lecture that created real-life financial change for his students.