Saint Mary\'s Stories Archive
June 13, 2022
Communal Ponderings
Spring has been a time of intense connection and reconnection for Saint Mary's College. Among the three commencement celebrations and two reunion weekends, President Conboy reflects on the business of the spring, the joy found in welcoming thousands of visitors to campus, and the promise of what's to come.
June 10, 2022
2022 Alumnae Association Honorees
On Saturday, June 4, four outstanding alumnae were honored at the 2022 Reunion for their dedication to their profession, faith, and the mission of the College.
June 5, 2022
Autism Studies Looks Ahead
As Michael Waddell rounded out the academic year in May, he did so with an enthusiastic eye on the future. The winter and spring had gone well: the Autism Studies department had just completed an impactful return to public programming, students successfully completed and graduated with their master’s degree, and they’d at-long-last hosted the first Autism Lecture Series guest speaker, none other than Temple Grandin. It was a semester full of excitement.
May 13, 2022
2022 Multiethnic Graduation Celebration
As part of the Commencement celebrations throughout campus, the Office of Multicultural and International Student Services hosted the 15th annual Multiethnic Graduation Celebration on Thursday, May 12, 2022. This event formally recognized and celebrated the 40 honorees and their families’ support, sacrifice, resilience, and achievements.
May 13, 2022
In Honor of LAX Seniors
The culminating event of the four years of academic effort for students is Commencement. The culmination for student athletes is that last game of their senior year. What happens when those two events collide?
May 12, 2022
Summer Camps Help Students Imagine Life at Saint Mary's
Sarah Hautzinger '20 and Claire Linginfelter '21 became roommates at Saint Mary’s long before they moved in as students their freshman year. Hautzinger and Linginfelter first met as randomly placed roommates at Embody Summer Theology Institute when they were seniors in high school.
May 6, 2022
Bachelor’s to Master’s Partnership with Notre Dame
For the first time, Saint Mary's College students have a direct entry into a dual-degree bachelor's-to-master's program with the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business.
May 4, 2022
Twins Together at Saint Mary’s
College is a time for independence, change, and a brief separation from your family. Unless you’re one of the 16 Saint Mary’s students who brought a family member to campus this academic year.
May 2, 2022
Fulbright Foreign Language Teachers
Since 2010, Saint Mary’s College has participated in the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) program, and students have benefitted from direct cultural exposure. During this time, 15 visiting educators from around the world have lived on campus, acclimated to the northern Indiana climate and have been immersed in American customs for a full academic year, while they taught students a variety of languages and cultural perspectives.