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February 28, 2025
Keep Dreaming Together
In this month's letter, President Conboy draws upon the messages found in the Holy Father's Fratelli Tutti to share a vision of Saint Mary's: where love helps build "human fraternity" and hope in our community.
January 31, 2025
Nikki Giovanni’s Lasting Impression
Nikki Giovanni unified the country with her poignant, magnificent poetry. This month, President Conboy talks about Giovanni's lasting impression and how she is part of a long list of influential writers who have shared their gifts with Saint Mary's students.
December 18, 2024
Wishing You Joyful Holidays
In her final monthly message of 2024, President Conboy looks at the wonder we see in children, and how that wonder can translate into joyful moments now and into the new year.
November 26, 2024
Gratefulness + Thanksgiving = Gratitude
In this Thanksgiving week, President Conboy reflects on the ways in which gratitude, gratefulness, and thanksgiving converge in her work at Saint Mary's College.
October 31, 2024
Neglecting the Right Things
In reflecting on the book Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman, President Conboy finds his perspective on our relationship with time to be both challenging and refreshing. His reminder to accept our finite time resonates deeply as she asks us to consider what we would hope to see in the rear-view mirrors of our own lives.
September 25, 2024
That's the Spirit!
It's Spirit Week at Saint Mary's, and in this month's communication, President Conboy describes how the rich array of talent and character of our student population activates our collective strength and vitality.
August 12, 2024
Leavening Our World and Each Other
Recently, Father Bill Lies, CSC, challenged his congregants to consider the ways in which we are providing spiritual and emotional sustenance for others, and the ways in which we receive such sustenance in return. President Conboy left Mass and reflected on the ways in which our community is leavening our world and each other.
July 1, 2024
From Garden to Table: Food for Thought
In this summer season of growth and thriving, President Conboy reflects on her recent sojourn to the Eternal City with leaders from other Catholic institutions. The powerful experience, she shares, has provided her with food for thought about the place Saint Mary's holds in today's world.
June 11, 2024
The Endlessly Renewable Story of Saint Mary's College
The academic year is in the rear-view mirror, with Commencement and now even Reunion behind us. What a whirlwind of festivities, smiles, and tears. In her monthly letter, President Conboy takes a little time to reflect on what really matters in the work that our faculty and staff do with students every day.
April 30, 2024
Strengthening Our Bonds
Saint Mary’s is a community of learners. In this month's letter, President Conboy continues her commitment to a high standard of honest discourse, and shares her hope that in learning from each other's differences, our bonds will grow stronger.
February 29, 2024
The Case for Social Capital
Social capital is all about strong relationships and mutual trust. In this month's letter, President Conboy discusses how joining—being part of a collective—not only raises one's social capital, it has the power to elevate an entire community.
January 8, 2024
The Power of Story
For the past three years, we have been working steadily to achieve the goals outlined in our strategic plan, Revere and Revise. Several exciting projects are coming together as we complete the first phase of the plan and move into 2024. In her first letter of the year, President Conboy dives deeper into what this means for the Saint Mary's institutional story.
October 9, 2023
College is a Bag of Beans
The College has been ripe with cultural events this fall. There is so much to do, and in her monthly letter, President Conboy brings to mind the many ways there is to learn. "A college education is a bag of beans: it’s up to students to plant them, climb the stalks, find the treasures."
August 31, 2023
All Y’all Are Welcome Here
On the first Sunday after their arrival on campus, President Conboy spoke with several first-year students after Mass. In her August letter to the community, she reflects on this conversation, and how the simple phrase "all y'all" embodies the welcoming spirit of Saint Mary's College.
July 24, 2023
Swing High and Let It Fly
Swing high and let it fly! President Conboy asks: What could be better words than these—not just for golf balls and baseballs, but for the ambitions and the accomplishments of Saint Mary’s students and graduates, and frankly, for our ambitions for the future of the College?