Summer 2018 Courier CoverSaint Mary's Courier Online

Summer 2018

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Online Extras

Jan Cervelli, president Raising Our Voice

President Jan Cervelli has been leading the charge to raise awareness and educate on the issues of sexual harassment and pay inequity in the workplace. She spoke with WNDU in the spring to share her thoughts and experience on gender discrimination in the office.

“The stars are aligning. Now is our opportunity,” she told WNDU. “I could not be more excited than to see this movement happening now, because I’ve seen bits and pieces over the course of my career, but nothing like I’m seeing now.”

Watch her interview here

Empowering Women Through Travel

With more than half of our students choosing to study abroad, we know how important travel is to our students and alumnae. As global citizens, Saint Mary’s women seek to make a difference everywhere they go. Susan Noonan Taylor ’86 and her husband operate the Stella Maris Executive Lodge, a nonprofit hotel in Tanzania. Their work is integral in the community not just as a place for tourists, but as a way of promoting vitality. Watch this video to learn how their work makes a difference supporting a local school.

WHOA Travelers in Kilimanjaro
2008 alumnae Marcia McDonnell, Jackie Sias, and Meg Schmitt make the trek to summit Mount Kilimanjaro on International Women’s Day.
Dancing figures

WHOA travelers stay in the Lodge and visit the school when they hike Mt. Kilimanjaro. It's amazing to see what Saint Mary's connections have fostered. While learning about the local area, they also have a lot of fun with impromptu dance parties in the mountains.

Celebrating the Class of 2018

2018 Commencement
We celebrated the College’s 171st Commencement in our new Angela Athletic & Wellness Complex. With five valedictorians, two honorary degree recipients, 350 students received undergraduate degrees, 33 received master’s degrees, and one Doctor of Nursing Practice graduate.

This year our five valedictorians (the most in College history) each had an opportunity to reflect on the core values of faith/spirituality, learning, justice, and community. Read their remarks here.

The Legacy Lives On

More than 100 members of the Class of 2018 had a mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin, who attended Saint Mary’s.

Sarah Connaughton, class of 2018 and family
Cindy Shary Cowdrey ’84, Diane Shary Connaughton ‘87, Sarah Connaughton ’18, and Lisa Shary ’83
Kayse McGough, class of 2018 and her family
Kayse McGough ’18 and sister Karla McGough ’07

Saint Mary's Women Reunite

Hugs, laughter, and excitement permeate many of the events at Reunion. This year over 1,000 alumnae and guests returned to campus to reconnect with friends and the beautiful place that has been an integral part of launching their lives and careers. From the picnic, all class parties, sessions and more, Reunion Weekend allows alumnae to rewind and remember their four years and celebrate the friendships that have extended well past their time on campus. View a gallery of photos on Flickr.

Saint Mary's women reunite at Reunion 2018

Share your #BellesRing story with us

The Saint Mary’s class ring is much more than a piece of jewelry. It’s a symbol of the sisterhood. A sign of four years of learning, new experiences, and pushing yourself further than you ever thought possible. We know that the ring unites strangers across the country and around the world. We would love to hear where you’ve taken your ring and how it has brought you together with fellow Belles.

Ring picture, two Saint Mary's class rings

Read about the social media account that’s capturing #RingsDoingThings.

Visit Alumnae site