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Spring 2018

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Online Extras

Dedicating "New Angela"

This March, Saint Mary’s students, faculty, staff, alumnae, donors, parents, and friends came together to dedicate the newly renovated facility and the Carol Ann Mooney Fieldhouse. We hosted “Living Well: Body, Mind, and Spirit Wellness Day” featuring workshops led by alumnae and fitness classes for guests. The more than $26 million project expanded the former Angela Athletic Facility to 103,000 square feet and enhanced its neighboring athletic fields. See a gallery of photos of new Angela.

Angela Athletic and Wellness Complex

Just in time, too. Our spring teams have been incredibly successful, clinching MIAA championships and advancing to NCAA tournaments! We even hosted the NCAA DIII Regional Softball tournament this month.

Saint Mary's Symposium

Saint Mary's Symposium banner

In April, we held the second annual Saint Mary’s Symposium and it was a huge success! Classes were cancelled to allow students and faculty to share their research in the day-long event. We captured some of the action on Facebook Live and many sessions were standing room only. The sessions included art and English students presenting their video game narrative project, faculty discussing the importance of scholarship and teaching, roundtable discussions on race and popular culture, and even a voice recital. The day culminated in seniors sharing their senior comprehensive projects in poster presentations.

Student presents research to packed room

View the full schedule of presentations and a specially-made chapbook for the Symposium.

Ann Plamondon Lecture presents Roxane Gay

Roxane Gay, writer and cultural critic, visited campus to talk to students and read from her most recent work, Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body in February. In addition to reading her work, she answered questions submitted by the campus community in a discussion facilitated by Helen Ho, assistant professor of communication studies, and Dionne Bremyer, assistant professor of English. After the lecture, Gay signed books and the line wrapped around Moreau!

Line wraps around Moreau for book signing

Students posed with signed Roxane Gay photos

But, not all bestselling books are stories of triumph. Media relations intern Veronika Hanks ’18 explored Gay’s reading and conversation at Saint Mary's.  Read her review here.

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