16th Annual Symposium
Symposium Speaker: Lisa Sowle Cahill
“Aquinas and Natural Law: Resources for Women’s Equality”
About Lisa Sowle Cahill
J. Donald Monan Professor in Theology at Boston College
Dr. Lisa Sowle Cahill is a leading voice in contemporary Roman Catholic theological ethics. She has published over two hundred articles and twenty books on a vast array of contemporary concerns in feminist ethics, bioethics, and social ethics. Since 1976, she has taught at Boston College, but has also been a visiting scholar at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, and a Visiting Professor of Catholic Theology at Yale University. A past Madeleva Lecturer at Saint Mary's College (1992), she returns to deliver an address at the 16th Annual Symposium on Saint Thomas Aquinas sponsored by the Joyce McMahon Hank Aquinas Chair in Catholic Theology.
About Her Talk
Despite rumors to the contrary, the need for a robust—even a “radical”—Catholic feminism did not disappear with the ‘60’s. Can Aquinas be a help in this regard? His statements about the female sex are unquestionably ambivalent. But his ethics of the “natural law” offers Catholic feminists today a solid basis on which to seek women’s equality and to combat global problems such as women’s poverty, rape as a war crime, domestic abuse, and human trafficking.
For further information, please contact Barb Westra, Administrative Assistant, Department of Religious Studies, 574-284-4534.
This Symposium is sponsored by the Joyce McMahon Hank Aquinas Chair in Catholic Theology, held by Dr. Joseph Incandela.
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