Research & Internships Opportunities


We are proud of our students’ research and written work in the history department, and several groups of history majors have attended national conferences in the last few years to present their original scholarship, meet with historians, and gain professional contacts. Recent trips to present student research include a 2014 Association for the Study of African American Life and History conference; a local New Directions in Gender Studies undergraduate conference at the University of Notre Dame in 2016, and a 2016 presentation at the Seneca Falls Dialogues women’s history conference in Seneca Falls, New York. While in Seneca Falls, conference organizers invited a professor and student group to submit a paper to a peer-reviewed academic journal, and their article is coming out in the fall of 2017.


Many of our students experience internships, both year-round and during the summer, working in a variety of locales, from the National Museum of American History or the Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project in Washington, D.C. to the Civil Rights Heritage Center in South Bend or the Dakota Sunset Museum in Gettysburg, South Dakota. Our History Research Methods course helps prepare students for interning experiences, exposing students to the practice and methods of the discipline.

"My internship this summer was at the Dakota Sunset Museum, a local history museum in Gettysburg, SD. I have gotten to experience a variety of aspects of museum operation including accessioning primary source documents, giving tours in the museum and local historic sites, assisting guests in the archives, and further researching the lives and times of the people whom the museum features."
— Lilly Cronin '18, history major

Previous graduates in history are engaged in a wide spectrum of activities in the business, professional and academic worlds. Danielle Taylor '06 served as an intern at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. More alumnae news.