Careers and Advanced Degrees

History graduates’ careers range from finance to journalism, from teaching to politics, from librarians and museum curators, from editing to law.

They work as sales assistants, accountants, archivists, lawyers, and enter service work for companies and organizations like The New York Times Company Foundation, the US Government, NBC Universal, and Abbott Laboratories.

Our history grads have pursued advanced degrees at Penn State University, Georgetown University, and the National University of Ireland.

Paths of History Alumnae, Map

  • Katlynn Dee ’17
    DePaul Law School
    Chicago, IL

  • Katie Woods ’16 & Megan Woods ’16
    Northeastern University, Master's in Public History
    Boston, MA

  • Madeline Corsaro ’16
    University of Notre Dame, Mendoza College of Business, ​Master's of Science in Management candidate
    South Bend, IN

  • Nellie Petlick ’16
    Peace Corps Secondary Education TEFL Volunteer
    Central/Southern Ukraine

  • Hannah Mudd ’14
    Associate at Pitzer Snodgrass, P.C.
    Went to University of Missouri Law School
    St. Louis, MO

  • Maureen Brown ’14
    Education and Marketing Coordinator at the American Council of Engineering Companies
    Washington, D.C.