Gift Societies

Leadership giving transforms possibilities into realities. At Saint Mary’s, gift societies are our way of saying “Thank you!”

The Madeleva Society

Total annual giving of $1,000 or more

Sister M. Madeleva Wolff, C.S.C. served as president of Saint Mary’s from 1934 to 1961. Her strong leadership and remarkable dedication helped make the College the institution it is today.

When you make a gift, you uphold Sister Madeleva’s legacy. You support scholarships. Underwrite student research. Preserve our campus. Undergird the academic experience. And much more.

Madeleva Society recognition levels are based on your total giving to all areas of the College within the fiscal year from June 1 to May 31.

Jubilee: $100,000 or more
Diamond: $75,000 to $99,999
Gold: $50,000 to $74,999
Silver: $25,000 to $49,999
Holy Cross: $10,000 to $24,999
Trustee: $5,000 to $9,999
Founder: $1,844 to $4,999
Presidential: $1,000 to $1,843

Benefits of membership in the Madeleva Society include:

  • Personal thanks from our college president
  • Invitations to special events honoring Madeleva Society members
  • Madeleva Society parking pass for football weekends and other campus events
  • Invitation to the annual Madeleva Society Football Tailgate
  • A discount card for the Shaheen Bookstore

The Young Madeleva Society ($100-$900)

Levels of giving based on graduation year

It’s important to recognize our young alumnae who choose to give back. But we also know the years after graduation often include a long list of financial obligations. Saint Mary’s honors its Belles of the Last Decade (BOLD) through a special program created just for them. Membership is based on giving in connection with the number of years since graduation.

1 year: $100
2 years: $200
3 years: $300
4 years: $400
5 years: $500
6 years: $600
7 years: $700
8 years: $800
9 years: $900

Benefits of membership in the Young Madeleva Society include:

  • Personal thanks from our College president
  • Invitation to special events honoring Young Madeleva Society members
  • Madeleva Society parking pass for football weekends and other campus events
  • Invitation to the annual Madeleva Society Football Tailgate
  • A discount card for the Shaheen Bookstore  

The Tower Society 

Total Annual Giving of $500 to $999

The Tower Society is the College’s oldest giving society. Like the iconic Le Mans Hall tower the society is named for, members preserve the stability of Saint Mary’s future.

The Avenue Society

Total Annual Giving of $200 to $499   

Created in 1994 to commemorate Saint Mary’s 150th anniversary, the Avenue Society is named for the tree-lined entrance to campus. The historic drive symbolizes the strong traditions and long history of the College that Avenue Society members help support.

The Faithful Giving Society

Giving for the last three or more consecutive years  

Faithful donors are essential to our ongoing work. Your decision to prioritize giving year after year helps us meet our most pressing needs and prepare for the future. The Faithful Giving Society is our way of honoring your dedication to Saint Mary’s. It recognizes all current fiscal year (June 1 – May 31) donors who have also made gifts during the prior two or more years.


The Mother Pauline Society

Mother Pauline SocietyThe Mother Pauline Society recognizes and honors those individuals who have included Saint Mary’s College in their estate plans or established a life income gift with the College. The society is named after Mother Pauline who was affectionately called “The Builder” for the growth and direction of the College during her Presidential tenure, including her visionary leadership over the construction of the iconic Le Mans Hall. Similarly, planned gifts afford the College to build and plan for the future. Alumnae and friends of the society are vital to the continued success and stability of Saint Mary’s. If you have established an estate or life income gift to advance the mission of Saint Mary’s College, we would be honored to welcome you to the Mother Pauline Society. To learn more, contact Lauren Jaworowski Henzel ’91, JD, director of Gift Planning at to talk through your legacy gift.

Be sure to download the current edition of our Mother Pauline Society Newsletter for the recent campus events and wonderful donor stories.

Lifetime Giving Societies

Lifetime Giving Societies recognize the cumulative philanthropy of Saint Mary’s leading benefactors.

Ave Crux Society
$5,000,000 and above

Spes Unica Society
$1,000,000 and above

Le Mans Society
$500,000 and above

Ave Crux, Spes Unica (Hail the Cross, Our Only Hope) is the motto of the Congregations of Holy Cross founded by Blessed Basil Anthony Moreau in Le Mans, France.

Membership is based on outright gifts, pledge payments, realized bequests, and in-kind contributions. We review cumulative giving annually, and recognize our benefactors on the Tribute Wall in the main hallway of Le Mans Hall, across from the Office of the President.