Green Dot is a national violence prevention strategy that has been a part of the Saint Mary's community since 2010. The program works to engage all members of a community to play a role in addressing violence in whatever way is most applicable to each individual.
Green Dot is based on three components:
1. A single choice in one moment in time to use your voice, actions, or choices can make the world safer.
2. A shared vision that creates momentum through the power of a common language
3. A social movement that harnasses the power of peer influence and individual bystander choices to create long lasting culture change resulting in the ultimate reduction of power-based personal violence
Upcoming Events for Saint Mary's Green Dot
Green Dot Workshops
Friday Jan 31st, 2025: 12pm OR 3pm - FAC/Staff
Friday February 14th, 2025: 12pm - Students
All will take place in Haggar 113
Register here: