The Writing & Tutoring Center

Making an appointment

Subjects available for tutoring: Writing, Biology, Economics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Math, MCAT, Modern Languages, Nursing, Psychology, Physics, Social Work, Speech Language Pathology and Sociology. 

Locations: Tutoring on campus happens in one of four locations, with the majority being in the Writing & Tutoring Center on the third floor of the Cushwa-Leighton Learning Commons (Library). However, there are two exceptions: Math tutoring happens in the Math Center in Madeleva 354. Modern Languages tutoring is in the Language Lab on the first floor of Spes Unica. Some tutoring is available for online videoconference. The full, updated schedule is available via our WCOnline Platform, which is free to Saint Mary's students who register with their campus ID. 

Register and access the full schedule at 

Undergraduates can make an appointment directly on the schedule. 

Graduate Students (who only work with the director) and those working on Group Projects should email to set up appointments. 

Faculty can contact about our Faculty Writing Groups or with any questions. 

The Saint Mary’s College Writing & Tutoring Center is a teaching and learning resource, staffed by peer tutors, one graduate tutor, and administered by a director who specializes in writing studies. We were founded in the 1970s by a student and initially called the Saint Mary’s Writing Clinic. We are located on the third floor of the Cushwa-Leighton Learning Commons and we provide in-person and online tutorials.

Upcoming Events 

APA Workshop || DATE/TIME TBA || Mother Pauline Room, 3rd Floor, Cushwa-Leighton Library: Come and learn the essentials about APA style, from usage to citation style and some document design. Bring your own assignment, as well. Tutors and the director will be on hand to answer any questions. 

Write Now, writing center in the library