Writing Proficiency Program

As a Saint Mary’s student, you’ll work towards proficiency in writing throughout college. From your first year through your major, the W Program will help you prepare for a life of writing beyond Saint Mary’s. Your efforts will be more focused, however, at two stages of your career: shortly after your arrival on campus, and as you progress in your major before graduation:

Basic W: This writing requirement, which can be satisfied in many general education courses, is meant to provide a foundation for your written work at Saint Mary’s. In order to earn the Basic W, you’ll need to be able to advance a logical thesis, organize your thoughts clearly, and develop your ideas effectively. You’ll also need to follow standard rules of grammar, syntax, punctuation, and documentation. You can learn more about this process on our FAQ page

Advanced W: This requirement, which is satisfied within your major course of study, usually during your junior and senior years, is meant to help you refine your skills as a writer, particularly by learning to write well within a particular discipline. To learn more about the Advanced W, please visit your department’s web page.

English Writing Major: Saint Mary’s also offers a comprehensive Creative Writing Program in English; it is distinct from the Writing Proficiency Programs. More information about this program is available on their website.

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                                          students madeleva courtyard

Consider a Tandem!

This Religious Studies/English tandem was a tight-knit group of scholars. Here, they are using the outdoor learning space by Madeleva Hall.


Program Director

Jennifer Juszkiewicz, Ph.D.


3rd floor, Cushwa-Leighton Library