The safety, security, and well being of our students are always our top priorities. We encourage our students to inform us of any crime, and when they do, we provide them with full support. We take our responsibility to guide them through their four years at Saint Mary’s very seriously.
After 5 p.m. on weekdays and all day on weekends (or at any time), students are instructed to contact Campus Security at (574) 284-5000. A dispatcher will connect students with appropriate personnel.
Saint Mary’s College provides our young women with a variety of programs, many of which are required, to prepare our students for life in the world today. Here is a summary of what we do:
Required Sexual Violence Programming: During Welcome Week, first-year students and their parents are invited to attend separate performances of SEX SIGNALS (by Catharsis Productions), a sexual assault awareness program. In addition, following the first week of classes, first-year students are required to attend two sessions on sexual violence, presented by the Belles Against Violence Office.
Belles Against Violence Office (BAVO): In 2009, Saint Mary's College received a three-year grant from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women, which the College used to establish BAVO. Under the direction of an assistant director, the office addresses and educates students on domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking, and provides them with the support they need. (FYI: Saint Mary’s students are fondly called Belles, if you are wondering about the reference.) 574-284-4081
Holiday and Weekend Safety Reminders: The Vice President for Student Affairs sends students emails before holidays and weekends reminding them that if they are under 21, it is illegal to drink; to not drink and drive; that alcohol is often a factor in sexual assaults; to carry their Saint Mary’s ID at all times; and that if they are in trouble they can call Campus Security 574-284-5000, Women’s Health (and counseling) 574-284-4805, Campus Ministry 574-284-5382, BAVO 574-284-4081, or the Vice President for Student Affairs 574-284-4571 for help. (These phone numbers are provided in those reminders.)
Campus Alerts (on and off campus): The director of security regularly checks area police Web sites for information on violent crimes that have occurred in the area and/or suspicious people. He emails students with the information and posts it on security’s Web page. The Campus Security site also provides information on crime prevention and services related to personal safety.
Comprehensive Support System: If a student comes to someone at Saint Mary's College after an alleged assault, there is a full support system in place. If she needs to go to the hospital, we have staff that will escort her there. If she wants to file a police report or a complaint with the prosecutor’s office, we have staff that will accompany her to the appropriate authority. If the incident happened on Saint Mary's campus, we will call St. Joseph County Police to investigate. If the incident happened on another campus, the student is apprised of the options to either file a police report and/or a complaint with the institution’s disciplinary office. We also offer her counseling and pastoral care.
Support Services Contact Information:
- Belles Against Violence (BAVO) 574-284-4081
- Campus Ministry 574-284-5382
- Campus Security 574-284-5000
- Residence Life and Community Standards 574-284-4522
- Women's Health (and counseling) 574-284-4805