Speech-Language Pathology 4+1

Accelerate Your Success
Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology 4+1

When you earn your master’s degree from Saint Mary’s College, you will become known as the speech-language pathologist who says ‘yes’ to the difficult cases. You will tailor treatment to the individual and know how to adjust to any situation. Upon graduation, you will have the skills to do more than simply be aware of the needs of others. Saint Mary’s empowers you to enter this high-demand field prepared to lead or to pursue your doctorate degree.

The 4+1 Pathway

In our direct entry 4+1 SLP Program, we nurture students through guided, supported learning experiences in both healthcare and education. With on-campus clinical opportunities available at our clinic, Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC), and the convent of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, students gain hands-on experiences that prepare them for versatile careers.

This innovative program offers the chance to earn a bachelor’s and master’s degree in speech-language pathology within five years, streamlining the path to a rewarding career and saving one year of graduate tuition.

Our graduates are well-equipped for a range of professional settings, including hospitals, schools, clinics, and elder care facilities.

How it Works

For current Saint Mary’s students:

SMC applicants can apply during the second semester of their junior year or first semester of senior year.

  • First three years: complete six semesters of pre-professional requirements

  • Fourth year: begin graduate-level classes while finishing bachelor’s degree

  • Utilize graduate-level credits toward bachelor’s degree: Students are allowed to use graduate-level credit hours toward their bachelor’s degree while retaining all the benefits of their undergraduate aid and scholarships.

  • End of fourth year: Students earn their bachelor’s degree, with only one year remaining as a full-time graduate student before completing the master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology—instead of the two years the master’s degree typically requires.

  • Full enrollment in the master’s program requires:

    • an overall SMC GPA of 3.0+

    • an overall SLP major GPA of 3.25 (including Intro to Communicative Disorders, Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanisms, Phonetics, Language Development and Speech and Hearing Sciences)

    • the ability to pass a criminal background check


  • The Speech-Language Pathology Praxis Exam pass rate of Saint Mary’s students is consistently over 90 percent.

  • Graduates enter a range of fields with an average annual salary of $80,000 (ASHA survey, 2021). The field is projected to grow 21 percent by 2031, with over 34,000 new jobs.

  • Graduates are well-equipped to practice in diverse settings, including hospitals, schools, clinics, elder care facilities, private practice, and even advanced research and education with the option to pursue Ph.D.s.

  • In 2021, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), conducted a survey of SLPs in six categories of healthcare and found the average annual salary for a full-time speech language pathologist is $80,000. Most SLPs can expect to earn around $64,000 annually upon graduation.

Tuition Savings

  • Complete year one of master’s degree during bachelor’s program

  • Pay for only one year of graduate coursework

  • Cost savings for 2024 +1 year: $33,944

Contact Information and Links

Office of Graduate Studies, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN 46556

Phone: (574) 284-4587

Email: admission@saintmarys.edu

Department of Speech-Language Pathology 

MSSLP Homepage

Judd Leighton Speech and Language Clinic (JLSLC)