Welcome Parents!

The links below have been selected for their particular relevance to the interests of parents.  

  • The Academic Calendar, particularly the long range calendar lists the specific important dates you can use for scheduling your daughter's return trips home, or back to SMC.
  • Certification of Enrollment outlines the instructions and guidelines for parents who need to verify to various agents that their daughter is attending college as a full-time student.
  • Class Lookup - Find courses offered, instructor, descriptions, meeting times, room assignments, restrictions, and textbook information.
  • The College Bulletin lists all the important regulations of the College, including Financial Aid guidelines, student account information, student affairs/mission programs, and the very important academic regulations and requirements for each program, and the courses offered by each academic department.
  • The PRISM link takes you to all the information you and your daughter will need to allow each parent access to her personal information in PRISM.  Instructions are included for students on how to set-up her parents, and step-by-step instructions for parents once their daughter has provided access.
  • The Privacy of Records link provides information on the relationship of the student, her parents, the College and FERPA.

There are many other sites on the Office of the Registrar homepage that you are welcome to explore.  Please let us know if you have any questions or comments.


Office of the Registrar
161 Le Mans Hall
Notre Dame, IN  46556
Phone: 574-284-4560
Fax:  574-284-4842   
Email:  registrar@saintmarys.edu

Updated 9/30/16