Students are often required to certify to insurance companies, scholarship agencies, or other agents that they are enrolled at Saint Mary's College. The College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to act as its representative regarding certification of enrollment. The Clearinghouse services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Official enrollment certification letters for the current semester are not available until after the census day, which is the 10th class day. Prior to the census day, letters will be sent certifying that the student has pre-registered for the semester.
- Parents may request certification only by completing the Enrollment Certification Form below which must be sent to a third party (i.e., insurance company, scholarship donor, etc.), we will not send an Enrollment Certification directly to the parents without the consent (signature) of the student.
- Enrollment certifications will be sent to the parents only when authorized by the student.
- Students must be registered for at least 12 semester hours to be considered full-time.
- Enrollment certification letters produced at the end of a semester reflect the number of hours successfully earned.
- Audited courses do NOT count in the hours required to be full time.
- Certifications requiring GPA are not available through the Clearinghouse; the request including GPA must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
- Login to
- Follow this path in the portal: Student Academics tab; Student Academic Links box; Enrollment Verification icon which will take you to instructions to get into the National Student Clearinghouse Student Self-Service site where you can request certification for the current semester or any previous semester.
- This service is free to students.
- For students enrolled in the current semester, official certification letters are available through the Clearinghouse after the third week of classes or anytime thereafter. (See Guidelines above.)
- The Clearinghouse cannot certify GPA; this request must be made through the Office of the Registrar.
- The Enrollment Certification Request Form is REQUIRED to release enrollment information on a student. Telephone requests are not accepted. Forms are also available in the Office of the Registrar.
- Often insurance companies or other agents have a form that must be completed by the College. The form must be submitted to the registrar for certification. The information on the form that is to be submitted by the student or parent (including signatures) must be completed in advance. Forms will be returned to the student or the requesting agent after the census date for the semester.
- Parents may only request certification to be sent to a third party (i.e., insurance company, scholarship donor, etc.), we will not send an Enrollment Certification directly to the parents without the consent of the student.
- Please allow 48 hours for the request to be processed.
- Mail or deliver completed and signed form to: Office of the Registrar, 162 Le Mans Hall, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN 46556.
- Official enrollment certification letters for the current semester are not available until after the census day, which is the 10th class day.
- Saint Mary's College reports student status on a regularly scheduled basis to the National Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse will, in turn, notify all federal lenders of student status throughout the semester. This is an automatic process which does not require student notification.
- Prior to the census day, letters will be sent certifying that the student has pre-registered for the semester, students who wish to have Enrollment Certification Request Form completed and returned to their lender may send or bring forms to the Office of the Registrar, 176 Le Mans Hall.
- After census day, follow instructions for current students above.
- For a small fee ($2.50) parents may request and print enrollment certification letters for insurance companies, scholarship donors, etc.
- Login to PRISM and you will be directed to the National Student Clearinghouse website and click on "Verify Now" in the left hand column.
- Choose "Enrollment Verify" from the available options. You will be asked for your daughter's name, date of birth, and social security number, and credit card info for the charge.
- Consider asking your daughter to process the request for free through her PRISM account.
The National Student Clearinghouse is the authorized agent for providing degree verifications to companies seeking degree information. Please visit their Web site at Saint Mary's College is 001836.
Revised 10/22/18