To attract the best candidates, retain until closure those who are most competitive, and fulfill a responsibility to treat candidates confidentially and ethically, the search committee commits itself to the following code of ethics:
- As a member of this search committee, I accept the responsibility, shared by my fellow committee members, to protect the integrity of the institution and respect the rights and dignity of all persons involved.
- I will maintain in strict confidence and in perpetuity all information about candidates during the search process (e.g., names, written materials, references) as well as not reveal any of the committee members’ work on this process, including discussions or decision-making during the process or at any time thereafter.
- I will put aside personal agendas, biases, or political positions so that each candidate has an honest and fair evaluation.
- I agree to disclose all real or potential conflicts of interest to the chairs of the search committee or the entire committee.
- I certify that I am not, nor will I become, a candidate for the position.
- If the search committee conducts reference calls, I will receive candidate permission prior to reference checking.
- I will guard against inaccuracies, carelessness, bias, and distortion made by either emphasis or omission of information and will give accurate and complete reports on candidates to the search committee.
- I will take care when taking notes in interviews or filling out evaluation forms. Federal, state, and institutional discrimination laws and policies are to be adhered to at all times. I will only consider information that is relevant to the search process, e.g., whether the candidate has the necessary experience, education, and skills for the position in question.
- I acknowledge that only the chairs of the search committee are authorized to speak to the news media on behalf of the committee.
- I consider the letter and spirit of this statement to be a matter of personal responsibility.