Facilities Division Newsletters

In order to keep the SMC community informed of the work in progress and future scheduled projects on campus, we send out Facilities Division Newsletters to keep everyone updated on what is happening in your building and across campus, which may or may not affect your work day.

Last minute unexpected "opportunities" may arise during our projects.  We will do our best to communicate to the community any changes, or emergency repairs that may require a system to be shutdown.

As always, we thank the campus community for your continued support and cooperation as we continue our mission to maintain and protect Saint Mary's campus, buildings, faculty, staff and students.

Special thanks to everyone across the campus community for your cooperation as you continue reporting any building issues big or small.  We truly appreciate the extra "eyes and ears" across campus.

Below are links to our past Newsletters.

June 2017

June 2014

March 2014

October 2013

September 2013

August 2013

July 2013