Molly Resto

Student Profiles


Molly Resto began her college search applying to big universities. Recognizing her desire for hands-on learning, she applied to Saint Mary’s for the smaller size, and made the decision to attend one late night.

Officially a Belle, Molly got involved with Dance Marathon, a student-run organization that benefits Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital.

“Attending Dance Marathon my freshman year, I just thought, ‘This place in incredible.’ We’re a small school with such a big heart.”

Diving into the liberal arts education

Without a clear idea of what she’d major in, Molly took a variety of courses her first year. As part of her Introduction to Social Work class, she tutored elementary students at Robinson Learning Center in South Bend.

“That experience opened my eyes to doing this for life. I’ve always worked with kids in some capacity, but I felt really passionate about teaching them.”

The next semester, Molly enrolled in education courses. A decision to study abroad in Australia the spring of her sophomore year cemented her love for Saint Mary’s.

“I was home sick for Saint Mary’s when I was abroad. I missed my classmates and my professors.”

Embracing a life-long education

Molly has been received a teaching position in Dallas, TX after graduation. “I want to get into the classroom as soon as possible.”

Now an executive for Dance Marathon and student teaching in South Bend schools, Molly is grateful for the opportunities she’s had at the College and across the street at Notre Dame.

Molly has been named president of Special Olympics at Notre Dame. “The close connection between the two schools granted me the opportunity to explore working with people who have disabilities, which has led my desire to study to mild intervention.”

She loves that service is part of her future career. “At Saint Mary’s there’s such an emphasis on service and I’ve gotten to meet a lot of different people that have enhanced my education. I consider myself a life-long learner.”