Program Requirements

Program Requirements

Student Designed Major

Given the interdisciplinary nature of justice studies, a superior student may design a specific program of study which uses justice as a framework and organizies her specific concerns. Interested students must declare their intentions by the spring semester of sophomore year and submit a proposal with the help and advice of a faculty sponsor. Plans for fulfilling the Senior Comprehensive and Advanced Writing Proficiency will be described in the proposal.

Minor in Justice Studies (15 Hours)

  • JUST 250
  • One of the following courses: PHIL 254, RLST 235, 236, 240
  • Three of the following courses:
    • BUAD 241
    • ECON 354
    • ENLT 203, 204, 293, 374, 403
    • JUST 260, 301, 320
    • PHIL 245, 254, 352
    • POC 304, 314, 319, 324, 336, 338
    • PSYC 354
    • RLST 235, 236, 240 (if not taken for the requirement above)
    • SOC 203, 355, 360
    • SW 332
  • other courses may be substituted by permission