Justice Education at Saint Mary's College challenges students to think critically and to broadly explore issues of fundamental significance in today's world -- the reality of social conflicts and injustice in America and around the world, and the search for solutions to these problems. Flowing from our Judeo-Christian heritage and the College's statement of mission, Justice Education seeks to provide a moral and intellectual context for the critical examination of the root causes of societal problems and how to develop creative and thoughtful responses to those concerns. By design, courses in justice studies are structured so that theory, experience, reflection, and practice are emphasized.
Justice Education is an interdisciplinary program, and the opportunity for students to select courses from areas such as religious studies, philosophy, sociology, social work, psychology, literature, art, economics, and business has proved quite beneficial for students interested in making connections between issues. In the past several years, students graduating with the minor or student-designed major have gone on to many diverse careers --- law, professional and doctoral programs; careers with domestic and international non-profit organizations; teaching, and business.
In addition to offering a minor in justice studies and the option of a student-designed major, the Justice Education Program also offers programs for the entire campus which help to foster awareness of critical social concerns.