Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month recognizes the contributions of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the US. The 30-day span begins September 15 to celebrate the anniversaries of independence for the Latin American countries, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The time frame dedicated to this month also includes Mexico’s independence day on September 16 and Chile’s independence day on September 18.
Throughout the month, as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month on our campus, we recognize the contributions of our Hispanic American alumnae to the history, culture, and achievements of the US. Here are a few:
Delia Garcia ’93
Senior Director of Communications, Walmart
Bentonville, Arkansas
Delia Garcia is the Senior Director of Communications for Walmart Inc., and Trustee at Saint Mary’s College. Her passion for community activism and social justice began when she studied political science at Saint Mary’s and was inspired by her parent’s immigrant journey.
Gloria Ybarra ’75
Retired Judge on the City of Phoenix Municipal Court
Tucson, Arizona
Following her education at Saint Mary’s, Gloria Ybarra earned her law degree from Harvard Law School, and in 1985 became the first Latina appointed to the Superior Court of Arizona for Maricopa County. At her retirement in 2013, Gloria was a judge on the City of Phoenix Municipal Court. She has also served in private practice, as an Assistant United States Attorney, as Chief of the Civil Rights Division of the Arizona Attorney General’s Office and as a judge on other courts all while living in Phoenix. She is also a former member of the Saint Mary’s College Board of Trustees.
Cristina Posadas ’11
Alumni Counselor at Noble Network of Charter Schools
Chicago, Illinois
Cristina Posadas' work with Chicago-area students is rooted in the lessons she learned at Saint Mary’s. As the Alumni Counselor at the Noble Network of Charter Schools, she compassionately guides her students to their post-high school path.
Angeline Johnson Daley '07, Alumni Association Affinity Programs Director, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana
We honor Saint Mary’s alumna Angeline Johnson Daley ’07, Alumni Association Affinity Programs Director at Notre Dame. A joyful, enthusiastic leader, Angeline uses her immense talents to coordinate a global alumni network for one of the most recognized universities in the world.
Leticia Hart ’00
Associate Director of Education Programs, UnidosUS,
San Antonio, Texas
Leticia Hart is the Associate Director of Education Programs, UnidosUS (formally National Council of La Raza), in San Antonio Texas. A political science major while at Saint Mary’s, today Leticia is a passionate fighter for educational equity on a national level through advocacy and educational programming.
Silvia Cuevas ’13
Leadership Fellow, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
We honor Saint Mary’s alumna Silvia Cuevas ’13. This former Outstanding Senior and class president continues to excel as she pursues a career in urban planning. Currently a Leadership Fellow at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Silvia recently completed her master’s degree at Rutgers.
Mariela Aguilera '12
School Psychologist, School District of Hillsborough County
Tampa, Florida
After receiving a dual degree in sociology and psychology, Mariela Aguilera expanded her devotion to the study of the mind through the lens of education. Today she is a certified school psychologist in Hillsborough County, Florida, and a doctoral candidate in school psychology at Loyola University Chicago.
Adriana Petty ’01
Director of International Students and Multicultural Services, Saint Mary's College
Notre Dame, Indiana
Adriana Petty is our own director of International Students and Multicultural Services. Her roots in social work guide her daily and help her be an extraordinary resource for students at Saint Mary’s.