Moreau Gallery Mission Statement:
One of the guiding principles of Saint Mary’s College (as expressed by the College’s Statement of Purpose) is to cultivate a community of intellectual inquiry and social action. In keeping with that purpose, the programming of the Moreau Art Galleries (MAG) is administered as a tool – for The Department of Art and Saint Mary's College specifically, and the greater South Bend community-at large – to facilitate that intellectual inquiry and social activism.
In addition, the Moreau Gallery devotes a substantial portion of its programming to the presentation of works of marginalized artists (and in particular, artists of the African Diaspora), as well as works created by others that highlight issues of social, economic, and systemic injustice experienced by BIPOC communities. We recognize that platforms for artists of color, female-identifying artists, LGBTQ+ artists, and other marginalized artists have not historically been the focus of art institutions both small and large; we look to correct that injustice.
The Goals and Objectives of the Moreau Gallery are:
- To present professional and educational exhibitions of contemporary art that are challenging and innovative in both content and media.
- To present a diverse array of media, processes, and points of view over the course of the academic year through various initiatives.
- To correct the lack of visibility and voice of marginalized artists, with a focus on BIPOC artists, and those artists who create works that bring to light the cultural, social, and political experiences (as well as injustices) of all marginalized communities.
- To provide students with access to contemporary art work, professional artists and their decision-making processes.
- To provide students with opportunities to exhibit their art work through our Portfolio Reviews and Senior Comprehensives.
- To provide space, time, and resources for art alumnae to engage our College community through exhibition, lecture, and mentoring opportunities.
- To integrate cross-disciplinary programming that supports the educational objectives of other departments at the College when possible.
- To foster relationships with individuals and organizations in the Greater South Bend community, to become partners in our mission.