Office for Student Equity

The Office for Student Equity supports our socioeconomic diverse community, and empowers students to achieve their full potential by providing services and programming to assist with gaps in resources. As part of Saint Mary’s Division for Inclusion & Equity, the Office for Student Equity helps students in practical, immediate ways with funds for daily needs and more. Our mission is to help all students feel included no matter their socioeconomic situation. That sense of belonging fosters wholeness for students and our entire community.

Supporting Students, Supporting Success

We work closely with the Office of Financial Aid, Student Affairs, and Multicultural Student Services to provide a cohesive network of resources in addition to financial help.

Wraparound services supported through the Office for Student Equity include:

  • Laptops (first year students only)
  • Move in kits (first year students only)
  • Laptop repairs
  • Football tickets
  • Winter clothing
  • Professional clothing
  • Emergency travel funding
  • Commencement regalia 
  • Seminars, retreats, and class trips (fees only)

Data on changing national demographics show that students of tomorrow are 10% more likely to be low-income; 19% more likely to be students of color, and 64% more likely to be first-generation college students. Saint Mary’s is already experiencing this trend:

are first-generation college students
are eligible to receive Pell grants (awarded to students from low-income households)

The services provided by the Office for Student Equity are possible by a transformative investment from the Wilson Sheehan Foundation and the matching gifts from our supporters. Contact Carrie Cummins Mueller '92, Interim Executive Director of Development, (574) 250-3394 or at to learn how you can make a difference as a supporter.


Other Ways We Help

Another way our office helps students with expenses is through a special fund earmarked for sudden or unexpected financial needs. The Student Emergency Fund is available to all Saint Mary's students.

Student Emergency Fund

Contact Us

Christin Kloski
Director of Student Equity
216 Student Center
(574) 284-4723