Holy Cross & Annunciata Hall

virtual-tour holy cross hallVirtual Tour of Holy Cross Hall

Hanging out in Holy Cross HallHoly Cross Hall is full of history, character, and tradition. The foyer walls that uplift the tall ceilings of Holy Cross are lined with photos of former residents as it is tradition to take a hall photo each year. Each room, a little different than the next, feels spacious and unique with large windows to let in light. Some rooms have sinks and some have private baths while others share bathrooms on the floor.

The fourth floor of the building is known as Annunciata Hall and is reserved for juniors and seniors only. 

Tall, spacious rooms in Holy Cross Hall.

Hanging out in Holy Cross Dorm Room

The Details

  • Residence Hall Style: Traditional
  • Room Types: Singles, Doubles, Triples
  • Bathrooms: Mix of private, shared, and communal on each floor


Holy Cross Lounge is a great place to study or hang out