Educating Women in Science: Celebration of Excellence and Achievement

A pioneer in the education of women, science has been an important component of Saint Mary's curriculum for nearly 150 years. On Saturday, March 26, the College will host a series of events titled "Celebrating the Education of Women in Science" to showcase the accomplishments and achievements of our students and alumnae in the field of science. The event is free and open to the public. Click here for the full schedule of events.

Saint Mary's students conduct research in the oceans off the coast of Nicaragua.
Saint Mary's students conduct research in the
oceans off the coast of Nicaragua.

Biology majors Ashley Cook '11 and Chelsea Crane '11 will be two of the many biology and chemistry majors displaying highlights of their Senior Comprehensive. The "Senior Comp," as it's known, is a required project that every student must complete in her major before graduation. The comp experience enables Saint Mary's students to develop research and in-depth critical thinking skills, preparing them for their future career or graduate school. 

Cook and Crane both conducted the field research for their comps on Little Corn Island, off the coast of Nicaragua. Both young women went on more than 70 scuba dives to conduct both fish and coral surveys. This information will help educate divers and the people of the island on the importance of maintaining the balance of life in the ocean. Their findings also will be compared to results done by Saint Mary’s students in the summer of 2009 to document changes in the reefs over time. This video, filmed by Crane, who hopes to become a marine biologist, demonstrates the wonders of the underwater world.

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When asked to relate the most memorable experience during this research, Cook found it hard to pin-point one moment. "Doing this type of research really makes you appreciate the many creatures in our oceans, and makes you want to do everything you can to protect them. After my experience in Nicaragua, I am inspired and plan on being an activist for marine conservation," Cook explained.

The day's events will also include an alumnae panel - four recent graduates will discuss "Life after Senior Comps." The discussion will be moderated by Nancy Nekvasil, PhD, chair of the Biology Department. At 1:30 p.m., Sharon A. Norton, PhD, Director of Development at the Mathile Institute for the Advancement of Human Nutrition will talk about "The Making of a Scientist," which will provide a look at the path of her career that ultimately led to her current position where she is now helping to eradicate world hunger.

A Saint Mary's student studies underwater life for her senior comp.
A Saint Mary's student studies underwater life
for her senior comp.
Saint Mary’s College president, Carol Ann Mooney '72, will make a special announcement with a celebration to follow.  "Having educated women in the sciences since the time of the Civil War, we are proud to celebrate our history and our future on this special day. We hope the public will join us as we recognize the many important scientific contributions women have made and will continue to make," says President Mooney.