Celebrating the Education of Women in Science

Program cover

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Special Announcement from President Mooney

Celebrating the Education of Women in Science: On Saturday, March 26, 2011, Saint Mary's College hosted a day of programs and events titled "Celebrating the Education of Women in Science". The day featured students, faculty and alumnae of the Departments of Biology and Chemistry/Physics and events were open to the public. The day ended with a major gift announcement: Saint Mary’s received the largest single private gift in the College’s 167-year history. Philanthropists MaryAnn and Clayton Mathile, parents of Saint Mary’s alumna Jennifer Mathile Prikkel ’95, donated $9 million dollars to Saint Mary’s for the renovation of Science Hall. In addition, Prikkel, a member of Saint Mary's College Board of Trustees, donated $1 million to the project for a combined gift of $10 million. Click on the video clip above to see President Mooney make the announcement.

Refer to the bar to the left for video highlights of the day (Science Alumnae Panelists) and news coverage leading up to the event which showcases student research (Related Interviews).

Below is a summary of the "Celebrating the Education of Women in Science" day.

11:00 a.m. Student Research Poster Session

Meet our students in biology and chemistry and learn about their outstanding research projects called Senior Comprehensives

Science Building – 1st and 2nd floors

12:30 p.m. Life After “Senior Comps”

A panel of Saint Mary’s alumnae will talk about their post-graduate accomplishments in a round-table discussion moderated by Nancy Nekvasil, PhD, Chair, Biology Department

Madeleva Hall – Carroll Auditorium

1:30 p.m. Keynote address

Sharon A. Norton, Ph.D., Director of Development, The Mathile Institute for the Advancement of Human Nutrition

Madeleva Hall – Carroll Auditorium

2:15 p.m. Major Announcement

Carol Ann Mooney, President, Saint Mary’s College

Madeleva Hall – Carroll Auditorium

2:30 p.m. Celebration

Reception and special exhibit on the history of science education at Saint Mary’s from the College Archives

Madeleva Hall – Garden level

For more information or to RSVP, please email Vicki Briggs in College Relations at vbriggs@saintmarys.edu or call her at (574) 284-4581.

A campus map is available online.