FAQ for Admitted Students

Are there scholarships available?

The Lily Scholarship and Data Science Scholarship are available to students in our Master of Science in Data Science program. For other programs, our primary form of internal aid is through Graduate Assistantships. Graduate Assistantships assign students with 10 hours of work a week in their employing office. In return, students exchange fully compensated housing on campus and a stipend once per semester. For more information about Graduate Assistantships, please click here.

I paid my deposit. Do I need to do anything else to hold my seat?

Once your deposit is paid your seat is held.

How do I set up my email?

After you deposit, you should receive an automated email from ResNet with instructions for setting up your Saint Mary’s College email account. If you don’t receive this email, please reach out to graduateadmission@saintmarys.edu.

When will I receive information about orientation?

Orientation for the cohort starting in Fall 2024 will be on August 22nd and 23rd. You will receive additional information as the orientation date approaches. 

Do you have advice about housing in the area?

Our office is happy to speak with you about searching for housing in South Bend and the different neighborhoods adjacent to campus. Please note that because of the high number of colleges in the city, there is a high demand for housing. We suggest looking for housing as soon as you know you’ll be moving to the area.

How do I register for classes?

The program will register you for classes your first semester.

When do I need to be in South Bend to start classes?

Classes for Fall 2024 begin August 26th.