Facilities Operations

Welcome to the Facilities Division!

The Facilities Division offers custodial, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, special events set-ups, compliance and grounds services to the campus.  We oversee the following departments:

Ben Bowman - Executive Director - 574-284-4552 or bbowman@saintmarys.edu 
Kathy Bush - Administrative Assistant - 574-284-4765 or kbush@saintmarys.edu 
115 Facilities Building 
Saint Mary's College 
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Campus Services - Building & General Services 
Custodial services, lofts, pest control, and set-ups. 
Dawn Bell - Director - 574-284-4548 or dbell@saintmarys.edu 
116 Facilities Building 
Saint Mary's College 
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Hazardous and electronic waste disposal, recycling (batteries, toner cartridge, ink cartridge) and safety compliance. 
Alexis Arroyo - Compliance Officer - 574-284-4077 or aarroyo@saintmarys.edu 
118 Facilities Building 
Saint Mary's College 
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Landscape maintenance in the summer, snow and ice in the winter. 
Mark Kubacki - Director - mkubacki@saintmarys.edu 
131 Facilities Building 
Saint Mary's College 
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Plumbing, carpentry, electrical, water leaks, key requests or heating and air conditioning.

Emergencies - Campus Safety - 574-284-5000 
Examples: Fire, Flood, Severe Leaks, Elevator Entrapment, Chemical Spill, No Heat, Gas Smell, Exposed Electrical Wires, Imminent Danger, etc.

Mike Benac - Director - 574-284-4780 or mbenac@saintmarys.edu 
Jessica Biek - Maintenance Coordinator - 574-284-4827 or jbiek@saintmarys.edu 
Becky Woods - Locksmith (Locks/Keys) - rwoods@saintmarys.edu 
119 Facilities Building 
Saint Mary's College 
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Mission Statement: The Facilities Department is a service oriented organization committed to meeting the needs of the students, faculty and staff in a professional and ethical manner, by providing clean, safe and comfortable facilities.  Facilities Department staff will create and maintain an environment conducive to the pursuit of the College Mission.