Committee Members

Down the Avenue

June 18, 2019

Thank you to the following alumnae, parents, friends, and staff who are serving as members of the Down the Avenue 2018 committee.

Co-Chairs: Marijo Kelly ‘77 and Chrissy Klauer

Margie Anella ’93
Tricia Barry
Kathy Beeler ’69
Jeannelle Brady ’74
Patricia Cavanaugh ’68
Angie Dennig
Monica Eckrich ’91
Laura Flynn ’79
Amy Goodwine ’91
Karen Gray
Mary Jo Halbritter ’70
Liz Harter ’09
Bonnie Hay ’78
Jennifer Helman ’77
Catherine Hiler  
Colleen Kendzicky
Mary Ellen Koepfle ’78
Mary Lou Mullen
Beth Murphy ’10
Carmi Murphy
Kate Murphy ’12
Jean Ricchiute
Jennifer Staud ’87
Katie Toothaker

Saint Mary's College staff members: 
Adaline Cashore ’70
Cat Cleary ’12
Libby Koultourides ’93
Mary Lisek