Commencement 2024: FAQs


+Can I wear stoles, medals, and honor cords, and decorate my cap for the ceremony?

Approved stoles given by Saint Mary’s organizations are permitted at Commencement Mass, in addition to Saint Mary’s medals and honor cords. For the ceremony, medals, honor cords and one approved graduation stole may be worn. If you have more than one, you will need to choose which one to wear.

Graduates should not decorate their caps.

+How long is the Commencement ceremony?

The Commencement ceremony begins promptly at noon and lasts approximately 2 ½ hours, depending upon the number of graduates.

Inclement Weather

+What happens if there is inclement weather?

In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will move to Angela Athletic & Wellness Complex. The decision will be made by 9 a.m. on May 18, and communicated to the campus community via email, social media, and the College website. The ceremony will be livestreamed on the Commencement website. 

+How do graduates get their indoor ceremony tickets?

Each graduate is allotted five tickets for an indoor ceremony. Graduates must pick up their tickets prior to Commencement weekend, even if a decision has not been made regarding an indoor ceremony. Only guests with an indoor ceremony ticket will be admitted. The ticket distribution days and times are listed on the Information for Graduates web page.

+Can I watch the ceremony someplace indoors on campus?

Yes, the ceremony will simulcast rain or shine in O’Laughlin Auditorium, Moreau Center for the Arts. The ceremony will also be livestreamed on the Commencement website. Seating is unassigned general admission, with no ticket required.

Guest Accommodations

+Where can I find handicapped parking on campus?

There is ample designated handicapped parking on campus. Please visit the Visitor Information page for a map. Call the Campus Safety Office at (574) 284-5000 to make arrangements for special parking privileges.

+Does the College provide seating for people with mobility needs?

Yes, please contact the Office of the President at (574) 284-4603 with requests.

+Are on-campus meals and housing available for guests?

Yes. Find more information regarding meals and housing on the Visitor Information web page.