Fellowships and Scholarships

This page contains a listing of potential scholarships and fellowships, mostly for graduate school study with a few that are for undergraduate students. There are two separate listings: one for scholarships and fellowships that require a nomination from Saint Mary's College and one for scholarships and fellowships that students can apply to on their own with no nomination.

To be considered for a nomination for one or more of these scholarships and fellowships, please contact the campus representative listed. Prior to contacting the campus contact, please be sure to review all of the eligibility requirements and critical information to ensure that you have a good understanding of what is required.

If you have any questions regarding these scholarships and fellowships, please contact Stacie Jeffirs, Director of the Career Crossings Office, at (574) 284-4775 or sjeffirs@saintmarys.edu.

Scholarships/Fellowships Requiring College Nominations

Scholarships/Fellowship Not Requiring College Nominations

General Links to Scholarships and Fellowships


Scholarships/Fellowships Requiring College Nominations

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship

The Foundation will award undergraduate scholarships to outstanding students, to be known as Barry M. Goldwater Scholars, in the spring semester for use during the next academic year. The awards will be made on the basis of merit to two groups of students—those who will be college juniors and those who will be college seniors in the academic year of the award—who have outstanding potential and intend to pursue careers in mathematics, the natural sciences, or engineering. Four-year institutions are eligible to nominate up to four students who are in the sophomore or junior class. Two-year institutions may nominate up to two students who are sophomores. To be considered, a student must be nominated by his or her college or university using the official online nomination process on the Foundation's website.

Each scholarship covers eligible expenses for undergraduate tuition, fees, books, and room and board, up to a maximum of $7,500 annually. Scholarship monies not used during one academic year are not transferable to the succeeding academic year. Junior-level scholarship recipients are eligible for a maximum of two years of scholarship support, and senior-level scholarship recipients are eligible for a maximum of one year of scholarship support. Scholars may opt to study abroad, but their Goldwater funding will be based on their U.S. institution's budget.

The Trustees intend to award up to 300 Goldwater Scholarships. The number of scholarships to be awarded per state will depend on the number and qualifications of the nominees from the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and, considered as a single entity, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Campus Contact: Charlie Peltier, Mathematics, cpeltier@saintmarys.edu


FTE's Undergraduate Fellowship Program

FTE's Undergraduate Fellowship Program can provide both financial help and a nurturing network of support during a student's junior or senior year of college. Undergraduate Fellows are awarded a stipend of $2,000 for the academic year for educational expenses or an experience of exploring ministry. Each Fellow also attends the FTE Conference on Excellence in Ministry. A stipend is provided for conference travel and expenses. (Please note that attendance at the conference is a requirement of the fellowship.) Up to 50 Undergraduate Fellows will be named for the upcoming academic year.

To apply for this program, you must be a current sophomore or junior in an accredited undergraduate program at a North American college or university and have been nominated by a college faculty member, administrator, campus minister or current pastor. You must be considering ministry as a career (although it isn't necessary to have decided.) You must have a GPA of at least 3.0. You must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen. And you must have exceptional gifts for ministry: love of God and church, imagination, creativity, compassion, a capacity for critical thinking, leadership skills, personal integrity, spiritual depth, dedication to a faith tradition and a passion to understand and to serve the needs of others.


Fulbright Program for U.S. Students

The Fulbright Program for U.S. Students is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. It is the largest U.S. international exchange program offering opportunities for students, scholars, and professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, university teaching, and teaching in elementary and secondary schools worldwide. The program was established in 1946 by the U.S. Congress to "enable the government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries." The program awarded approximately six thousand grants in 2007, at a cost of more than $262 million, to U.S. students, teachers, professionals, and scholars to study, teach, lecture, and conduct research in more than 155 countries, and to their foreign counterparts to engage in similar activities in the United States.

Campus Contact: Alice Yang, Center for Women's Intercultural Leadership, syang@saintmarys.edu


Harry S. Truman Scholarship

The Truman Scholarship provides up to $30,000 in funding to students pursuing graduate degrees in public service fields. Students must be college juniors at the time of selection. The Foundation also provides assistance with career counseling, internship placement, graduate school admissions, and professional development. Scholars are invited to participate in a number of programs: Truman Scholar Leadership Week, The Summer Institute, The Truman Fellows Program, and the Public Service Law Conference. Please visit the For Scholars section of the website for an overview of the programs the Foundation currently offers for Scholars.

Scholars are required to work in public service for three of the seven years following completion 
of a Foundation funded graduate degree program as a condition of receiving funding. Scholars who are not employed in public service for a total of three years, or who fail to provide proof to the Foundation of such employment, will be required to repay any funds received along with interest. The Foundation will have an appeals process for those Scholars in special circumstances.

Campus Contact: Carrie Call, Office of Civic and Social Engagement, ccall@saintmarys.edu


Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Scholarships

One of the largest and most competitive scholarship programs in the nation, the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Scholarship provides awards of up to $50,000 per year for up to six years of study to deserving low-income college seniors and recent college graduates (who graduated within the past five years).

Eligible students must have received the undergraduate scholarship from the foundation in order to be eligible for the graduate scholarship.

Campus Contact:  Julie Tourtillotte, Chair and Professor of Art, jtourtil@saintmarys.edu


Morris K. Udall Scholarship

Each year, the Foundation expects to award 80 scholarships and 50 honorable mentions on the basis of merit to sophomore and junior level college students. Scholarships are offered in any of three categories:

  • To students who have demonstrated commitment to careers related to the environment; or
  • To Native American and Alaska Native students who have demonstrated commitment to careers related to tribal public policy; or
  • To Native American and Alaska Native students who have demonstrated commitment to careers related to Native health care.

The Udall Foundation seeks future leaders across a wide spectrum of environmental fields, including policy, engineering, science, education, urban planning and renewal, business, health, justice, and economics. The Foundation also seeks future Native American and Alaska Native leaders in public and community health care, tribal government, and public policy affecting Native American communities, including land and resource management, economic development, and education.

Campus Contact: Chris Cobb, English, ccobb@saintmarys.edu



Scholarships/Felowships Not Requiring College Nominations

American Graduate Fellowships

This initiative is designed to promote and support doctoral study in the humanities by accomplished graduates of small and mid-sized private liberal arts colleges. Two fellowships, worth up to $50,000 each and renewable for a second year, will be awarded annually. The fellowships will be available to students from eligible institutions who enroll in doctoral programs at any of 23 leading independent research universities in the United States, Great Britain, and Ireland. Eligible fields of study include history, philosophy, literature and languages, and fine arts.  Click on the link above for more details on the fellowship including application materials and instructions as well as participating institutions.


Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences Preparatory Fellowship

The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) invites applications to its Preparatory Fellowship program. Successful applicants for the Ph.D. and Preparatory fellowships will pursue a topic in one of BIGSSS' three Thematic Fields:

All fellows are expected to choose Bremen as their place of residence.


Capital Fellows Program

The Capital Fellows Program consists of three fellowship programs:

Fellows receive an outstanding opportunity to engage in public service and prepare for future careers, while actively contributing to the development and implementation of public policy in California. The ranks of former fellows and associates include a Justice of the California Supreme Court, members of the United States Congress and the State Legislature, a deputy director of the Peace Corps, corporate executives, and local government and community leaders. The selection process for the fellows programs starts in the late fall when the application period opens. Anyone with a degree from a four-year college or university is eligible to apply. Fellows are selected in the spring and start their programs in the early fall with an intensive four-week orientation conducted by the program faculty advisors, after which they interview with various offices before being placed. They attend weekly graduate seminars conducted by their program's academic advisors.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Associate Program

The Public Health Associate Program (PHAP), administered by CDC’s Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support (OSTLTS), is designed to identify future public health professionals with undergraduate degrees and a passion for public service and public health. Throughout the two-year program, associates will gain hands-on, frontline experience that will be the foundation for their public health careers.  This program is open to both science and non-science majors.

Applicants should have a keen interest in frontline service careers in public health and in developing strong public health programmatic and operations skills. Applicants must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen;
  • Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited academic institution by July 1 of the year of application; Note: Applicants with a master’s degree will be considered but do not receive preference in hiring, nor a higher pay. Individuals holding a master’s degree may be eligible for other CDC fellowship programs.
  • Be willing to commit to full-time work for two years;
  • Be willing to work in a state, tribal, local or territorial health agency setting, or CDC quarantine station; and,
  • Be willing to relocate at the associate’s own expense.


Critical Language Scholarships for Intensive Summer Institutes

Sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers(CAORC), the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program will offer intensive summer language institutes overseas in eleven critical need foreign languages for the summer. The CLS Program was launched in 2006 to offer intensive overseas study in the critical need foreign languages of Arabic, Bangla/Bengali, Hindi, Punjabi, Turkish and Urdu. In 2007, Chinese, Korean, Persian, and Russian institutes were added along with increased student capacity in the inaugural language institutes. Azerbaijani will be offered at the intermediate and advanced levels.

The CLS Program provides fully-funded seven to ten week group-based intensive language instruction and extensive cultural enrichment experiences held overseas at the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels (beginning not offered for Azerbaijani, Chinese, Persian or Russian) for U.S. citizen undergraduate, Master’s and Ph.D. students.


Davies-Jackson Scholarship Program

Established in 1990, the Davies-Jackson Scholarship provides a distinctive opportunity for graduating college seniors who posses exceptional academic records and who are the first in their families to graduate from college, to enroll in a course of study at St. John’s College. The scholarship, valued at approximately $50,000 is funded by an anonymous donor who wishes to provide the same opportunities at St. John’s that he was afforded as a young man. Offered annually since 1996 the scholarship is now administered by the Council of Independent Colleges. Until recently, seniors at only a small number of colleges were eligible to apply. At present, the list of eligible institutions has been expanded to include many CIC member colleges and universities enrolling large numbers of first generation college students.

Applications are accepted for study in the following subjects: Archaeology and Anthropology; Classics; Economics; English; Geography; History; History of Art; Modern and Medieval Languages; Music; Philosophy; and Social and Political Sciences.


Governor Bob Orr Indiana Entrepreneurial Fellowship

The Orr Fellowship provides a unique opportunity for undergraduate students searching for their first salaried, full-time position following graduation. Each year, a new group of talented graduates is selected from thousands of applicants and placed with a host company. Host companies are some of Indiana's fastest growing entrepreneurial companies. Fellows serve a two-year commitment, where host companies engage them in innovative projects while allowing them the opportunity to work closely with company executives. Fellows work with their host company to determine a position that highlights their strengths and passions in order to promote personal growth.

Apart from working full-time, fellows also participate in a multitude of other activities.These include planning community service projects, conducting fundraising projects, meeting on a monthly basis with distinguished Indiana business leaders, taking part in social events (like rock-climbing or white water rafting!), recruiting other talented individuals like themselves, interacting with other Fellow alumni and just spending time with one another.  In short, the Orr Fellowship helps motivated college graduates jump-start their careers stimulating them professionally and personally.

Graduate Studies Fellowships

Humane Studies Fellowships are awards of up to $15,000 for graduate students and outstanding undergraduates whose academic research advances a free society. Full-time students studying at universities worldwide, and from all disciplines, are eligible. Select winners and finalists present their work at the IHS annual research colloquium. This fellowship is offered by the Institute for Humane Studies.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program

The Humphrey Fellowship Program is for experienced professionals interested in strengthening their leadership skills through a mutual exchange of knowledge and understanding about issues of common concern in the U.S. and Fellows’ home countries. As a non-degree program, the Fellowship offers valuable opportunities for professional development through selected university courses, attending conferences, networking, and practical work experiences. During the year, Fellows pursue both their individual program goals and work closely with their Humphrey colleagues in workshops and seminars. Unlike a typical graduate school experience, the program encourages Fellows to travel away from their host campus to learn more about American culture and to network with their American peers. If you are interested in broadening your perspectives and becoming a global leader, the Humphrey Fellowship is for you.


IDEX Fellowship in Social Enterprise

The IDEX Fellowship in Social Enterprise is a early entry professional development program for recent college graduates interested in the field of social enterprise. Managed by Oglethorpe University with sponsorship from Gray Matters Capital of Atlanta, Fellows generate ideas under the mentorship of a social enterprise leader serving low income communities and develop a blue print for change; the Fellows then execute on that practical plan within the enterprise. The combination of ideas and execution is transformational, for the enterprise and for the fellow, and through these two words the name IDEX is born.

This is a year-long post-graduate fellowship for approximately 40 individuals.  Fellows will be located in Hyderabad, India working in the social business sector, with full reimbursement of their living expenses.



Master of Fine Arts Scholarships

IHS Film & Fiction Scholarships are awards of up to $10,000 for students pursuing a full time Master of Fine Arts degree in filmmaking, fiction or literary nonfiction writing, or playwriting, and who share an appreciation for the potential and promise of a free society. This scholarship is offered by the Institute for Humane Studies.


National Wildlife Campus Ecology Fellowship

National Wildlife Federation's Campus Ecology Fellows confront global warming on their campuses and help to educate and engage the campus community on global warming impacts and solutions.

Monetary fellowship grants are awarded to undergraduate and graduate students working with other members of the faculty, staff, or administration on projects designed to help reverse global warming on campus and beyond. In addition to a modest grant, Fellows also receive project support, recognition of their accomplishments and other perks.

Projects include:

  • Energy efficiency in new and existing buildings
  • Greener transportation plans
  • Installation of clean energy technology on campus
  • Purchasing of clean energy
  • Food systems
  • Habitat restoration and protection
  • And more!

NWF Fellowships allow students to pursue their vision of an ecologically sustainable future through tangible projects to confront global warming on campus and in the community. Fellows gain practical experience in the conservation field and first-hand knowledge of the challenges and opportunities inherent in successful conservation efforts.


SMART Scholarship

The Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship for Service Program is an opportunity for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines to receive a full scholarship and be gainfully employed upon degree completion.

All awardees must be;

  • a U.S. citizen at time of application
  • 18 years of age or older when program begins
  • able to participate in summer internships at DoD laboratories
  • willing to accept post-graduate employment with the DoD
  • a student in good standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (as calculated by the SMART application) and
  • pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in one of the disciplines listed on the About SMART page


The Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans

The purpose of The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans is to provide opportunities for continuing generations of able and accomplished New Americans to achieve leadership in their chosen fields. The Program is established in recognition of the contributions New Americans have made to American life and in gratitude for the opportunities the United States has afforded the donors and their family. The applicant must either have a bachelor's degree or be in her/his final year of undergraduate study. Those who have a bachelor's degree may already be pursuing graduate study and may receive Fellowship support to continue that study. Individuals who are in the third, or subsequent, year of study in the same graduate program are not, however, eligible for this competition. Students who have received a master's degree in a program and are continuing for a doctoral degree in the same program are considered to have been in the same program from the time they began their work on their master's degree.


White House Fellows

The purpose of the White House Fellows program is to provide gifted and highly motivated young Americans with some first-hand experience in the process of governing the Nation and a sense of personal involvement in the leadership of society. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Applicants must have completed their undergraduate education and be working in their chosen professions. Individuals currently employed by the Federal government are not eligible to apply with the exception of the following branches of the military: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy. Some examples of Federal employees who are not eligible to apply for the program are: law clerks for the Supreme Court and District Court, members of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service, and the Tennessee Valley Authority.


Woodrow Wilson National Fellowships

Six decades ago, the Woodrow Wilson Fellowships—a bold new initiative to meet the nation’s need for college teachers—began at Princeton University. Today, the Foundation has a suite of Fellowships that support the development of future leaders at a variety of career stages in several critical fields. Fellowships are available in the areas of teaching, foreign affairs, conservation, women & gender, religion & ethics, and access & opportunity. Fellowship eligibility ranges from recent bachelor's degree graduates to master's level graduate students to Ph.D. students to professionals.


General Links to External Scholarships and Fellowships