Funding for Graduate and Professional School

There are definitely opportunities for funding your graduate school education as well as many avenues to research them. The CCO has books that list some of the opportunities available to students such as:

  • The Ultimate Scholarship Book
  • Kaplan’s Scholarships
  • CollegeBoard’s Scholarship Handbook
  • Get Real Money for College
  • And more!

These books offer listings of specific scholarships, fellowships, and loan programs that are available. There are many organizations that have scholarships unused each year so make sure you do your homework!

Fellowships and Scholarships

This page contains a listing of potential scholarships and fellowships, mostly for graduate school study with a few that are for undergraduate students. There are two separate listings: one for scholarships and fellowships that require a nomination from Saint Mary's College and one for scholarships and fellowships that students can apply to on their own with no nomination.

To be considered for a nomination for one or more of these scholarships and fellowships, please contact the campus representative listed. Prior to contacting the campus contact, please be sure to review all of the eligibility requirements and critical information to ensure that you have a good understanding of what is required.

If you have any questions regarding these scholarships and fellowships, please contact Stacie Jeffirs, Director of the Career Crossings Office, at (574) 284-4775 or

Funding through Your Program or School

There are also other sources of funding available for graduate school. Check with your program coordinator to see the opportunities available through your specific school. There are always federally funded and private loan programs available that you can check through the Financial Aid office or your local bank.


An alternate source of funding could be finding job opportunities available on campus. Some programs will offer graduate assistantships where graduate students work part-time on campus that will enhance their academic knowledge as well as bring positive service to the other students on campus. Some campus jobs include teaching assistantships, student activities, student advocacy, career services, academic advising, and almost any office on campus may hire graduate students. You can even find RA positions for graduate students or check with local sorority houses to see if a live-in advisor of some kind is needed. Your graduate program coordinator should be able to assist you in finding these opportunities.

Additional Resources: