Get Your Bearings
It's normal to feel a little overwhelmed about your first year of college but not to worry. We have a few ways for you to learn more about campus, what to expect, and what to do next. Here are some events to help you get ready.
Fall Orientation
Belles Beginnings is our traditional, new-student orientation for students and parents during move in. In-person, student and family orientation will begin on Thursday, August 21. Parents and families will be welcome to join us for some programming on the morning of Friday, August 22. Following lunch our student-only Belles Beginnings Orientation activities and programming will begin. We are committed to making this transition smooth, informative—and fun—and cannot wait to have our new Belles join us in August.

Your To Do List
Once you’ve deposited and become #officiallySMC, you'll want to keep going with these few steps:
- First be sure to apply for financial aid. This will get the process started so you can secure aid to help cover your college expenses.
- If you're an incoming first-year student, join your class Facebook page once it's available to meet other students in your amazing class!
- Watch for an email from ResNet@saintmarys.edu. Follow the instructions in the email to set up your Saint Mary’s email account.
Here are some other key dates:
Academic Advising
On May 31st, you will receive three emails from Student Academic Services: "Advising and Registration Information", "Mathematics Placement Test" and "Language Placement Test".
During the beginning of June, your summer advisor will send a message to your Saint Mary's email address to arrange a time to speak with you about course selection. You will be able to register for classes online at the end of June after speaking with your advisor. Placement testing must be completed before academic advising can occur.
Room Assignments
If you have completed your housing application, you'll receive an email with your housing assignment in mid June. Questions can be directed to Residence Life at ResLife@saintmarys.edu
First-Year Registration Days
You will receive an assigned registration date/time in the "Advising and Registration Information" email sent on May 31. You may register at your assigned date/time, or any time after that until July 1. Your advisor can also confirm your assigned date/time during your advising session prior to registration.
Financial Aid
Before July 1, you should log into the Financial Aid portal page and either accept or decline your offers of Federal Direct Loans and Federal Work Study, if applicable. All other information about the next steps can be found in the award brochure mailed out with final award letters. They can also be found on the Financial Aid portal. Other details:
- If you will be borrowing Federal Student Loans you will need to go to studentaid.gov and complete the MPN for Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans; as well as studentaid.gov/entrance-counseling to complete Loan Entrance Counseling
- Notify the Office of Financial Aid of any outside scholarships you have (including ROTC, VA, etc.).
- If you still need to turn in verification documents, you should do so by July 1.
- Billing statements are published the first week of July. A statement notification email will be sent to you at your saintmarys.edu email address as well as to Authorized Users email accounts.
Schedule Changes
It happens. . .You may find that you need to change your classes. For any changes to your class schedule made after July 1, you will need to contact Student Academic Services at advising@saintmarys.edu.
Find Work
Keep your eye out for an email from Student Employment alerting you to all job openings available on campus. Please note: You should not wait until you move on campus to begin applying for jobs.
Final Transcripts
Once you graduate, make sure you send us your final high school transcript. We'll need to confirm your graduation date and have your final transcript on file before you can move into your residence hall and begin classes. Please note that this transcript must be your official final transcript and must come from your school.
If you haven't already, make the request now to have your school counselor submit your final high school transcript via Common Application, Parchment, or other eTranscript services or by emailing it to admission@saintmarys.edu. It can also be mailed to:
Saint Mary’s College
Office of Admission
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Health Forms
Before you arrive on campus, please take a moment to complete your health forms on the Saint Mary's College Health and Counseling Center Patient Portal. For questions, please contact the Health and Counseling Center at hccenter@saintmarys.edu or 574-284-4805
DUE DATE: Tuition & Fees
All tuition and fees are due on August 1. Please log onto the Student Accounts portal page to see options for tuition payments.
Move In!
Plan to arrive on campus anytime between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Student Check-In is located in Rice Commons, which can be found in the Student Center. Following move-in, Belles Beginning Student Orientation programming will begin on the evening of Thursday, August 21. Watch your email next summer for more information.
Fall Orientation: Belles Beginnings
Official Belles Beginnings Orientation events will begin with a kick-off event on the evening of Thursday, August 21. Parents and families are welcome to attend events on Thursday evening through Orientation Mass on Friday evening, at which time, student-only programming will begin (following dinner). We are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible and cannot wait to have our new Belles join us in August!
First Day of Classes
It will be here before you know it! Mark this date on your calendar as your college experience is about to begin! Welcome to Saint Mary's!

Frequently Asked Questions
+When is in-person Orientation?
+When is my first bill due?
+What if my bill is not paid by the due date?