Careers and Advanced Degrees

Our humanistic studies degree prepares you for a career in a variety of industries. Recent grads landed jobs in corporate communications, non-profit administration, teaching, and publishing. In the past decade, our grads worked as a communications assistant for Bank of America; as a civil rights complaint investigator; for the Lyric Opera in Chicago in human resources; Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala; as a school psychologist; in the operations office of the Wisconsin State Treasurer; as a 1st Lieutenant in the US Army; as a tour guide in Rome; and as an Associated Press correspondent in Jerusalem.

Since 2010, humanistic studies graduates attended graduate school, law school, or medical school at the University of Notre Dame, Villanova, Michigan State, Indiana University, Tulane University, the University of Illinois, Tufts University, the University of London, Wayne State University and Valparaiso University.

Humanistic Studies Majors in Graduate School (2007-2017)

HUST graduates in grad school


Humanistic Studies Alumnae Careers (2007-2017)

humanistic studies alumnae career paths graph

The Importance of the Humanities in Careers

Steve Jobs "It's in Apple's DNA that technology alone is not enough -- it's technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our heart sing.”

“Throughout the major U.S. tech hubs, whether Silicon Valley or Seattle, Boston or Austin, Tex., software companies are discovering that liberal arts thinking makes them stronger.” George Anders, Forbes, Aug. 17, 2015

“[The Association of American Colleges and Universities]’s employer surveys confirm, year after year, that the skills employers value most in the new graduates they hire are not technical, job-specific skills, but written and oral communication, problem solving, and critical thinking—exactly the sort of “soft skills” humanities majors tend to excel in.” Wilson Peden, Fortune, Nov. 13, 2015

Inside Higher Ed, Paula M. Krebs, April 22, 2016 [Georgia Nugent, the former president of Kenyon College who is currently a senior fellow at the Council of Independent Colleges],“Nugent is concerned about this trend because she thinks that training students for very specific tasks seems shortsighted when technology and business is evolving at such a fast rate. "It’s a horrible irony that at the very moment the world has become more complex, we’re encouraging our young people to be highly specialized in one task," she says. "We are doing a disservice to young people by telling them that life is a straight path. The liberal arts are still relevant because they prepare students to be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances."

Glenn Altschuler, June 8, 2015 Quartz “Employees prefer to hire people who have decision-making, organizational and planning, problem-solving, writing and communication skills. These skills, [Peter Cappelli, a professor of management and director of the Center for Human Resources at the Wharton School] Cappelli suggests, are best learned in liberal arts programs. Currently derided by proponents of a more “practical” curriculum, the liberal arts, he writes, “may make the greatest intellectual and learning demands on students of any field.” Most Valuable Arts and Literature Majors and Related Careers, 2016: Liberal Studies, Liberal Arts This major leads the pack for the second consecutive year, due to high rankings in several categories. Liberal studies ranked first in educational availability, third in job opportunity and fifth in educational affordability. With an average in-state tuition of $12,454 in 2014, liberal studies is one of the most affordable degrees on our list. Major Overview: A liberal studies degree gives students a conceptual understanding of multiple academic fields, from the natural sciences to the arts, in preparation for careers in education, business, government and more.

Inside Higher Ed