Internship Opportunities

Accounting Internship: Matie Ohms
Accounting Internship: Matie Ohms
The Department offers a unique internship program for qualified juniors and seniors.

Through its Internship in Business course, the department provides an internship opportunity for all BUEC students who want to enhance their credentials. The Internship in Business class involves practical field experience with a business or non-profit organization in a specific discipline: Accounting, Economics, Finance, International Business, Management, Marketing, or Management Information Systems.

A student works in a professional capacity for eight to ten hours per week during the semester, usually on a project determined by the sponsoring organization. The project should be meaningful and allow the student to grow professionally in her discipline.  The course also includes periodic reports and oral presentations. In past semesters students have benefited from assignments with accounting firms, banks, manufacturing companies, restaurants, radio and television stations, investment firms, credit unions, schools and colleges, United Way agencies, department stores, sporting goods stores, and many more.

Accounting Internship: Diana Matuszak
Accounting Internship: Diana Matuszak
Students can receive credit for internships even if the internship is paid.  These internships are not limited to the South Bend area and many students have completed internships in Chicago, New York City and other distant locations.

 Applications for internships are available from the Chair of the Department in the semester preceding the internship period. The Internship in Business course is considered to be a college free elective and may not be used to satisfy any major requirements or Business electives. 

Click here to download application form. (word document)


Where Some of Our Students Have Recently Interned

Company Concentration Area
First Source Bank Finance
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Accounting
WorkOne Northern Indiana Economics
True Partners Consulting Accounting
People Bank of China Accounting
Grant Thornton LLC Accounting
West Corporation Management
Cedar Point Accounting
RiverBend Cancer Services Marketing
Ernst & Young Accounting
AT&T Economics
KPMG Accounting
Roche Diagnostics Marketing

Accounting Internship: Alex Vizard
Accounting Internship: Alex Vizard
 Accounting Internship: Keeley Frost
Accounting Internship: Keeley Frost