Autism Workshops

Our autism workshops provide community members and students with opportunities to deepen their understanding of state-of-the-art approaches to autism intervention while working with leading experts in the field. Many of the workshops also provide opportunities to become certified in a particular treatment model and/or to earn CEUs or professional development points. To date, the workshops have provided over 12,700 "man hours" of training for the community. To receive information about our workshops as soon as it becomes available, follow us on Facebook or email Dr. Michael Waddell (Program Director, Master of Autism Studies) and request to be added to the autism studies listserv.

Upcoming Workshops

Hiring and Supporting Employees on the Autism Spectrum:
An Employer Perspective

PRESENTERS: Dr. Laura Klinger (Executive Director, University of North Carolina TEACCH Autism Program) & Michael Chapman (Director of Employment Services, UNC TEACCH Autism Program)
WHEN: 6-8:30pm, Tuesday, May 16, 2023 
WHERE: Regina Hall, Rm. 123, Saint Mary’s College of Notre Dame, IN
CAPACITY: This event is limited to 72 participants.
REGISTRATION FEE: $20. The registration fee is non-refundable, but may be transferred to another person in the event that the original registrant cannot attend. 
CEUs: All participants will receive a Certificate of Completion.
This training is intended to help employers develop work settings that better support employees on the autism spectrum. Participants will learn some simple and common practices that make it easier for autistic employees to succeed in their organizations.

Autism Neurodiversity in Higher Education Settings:
Understanding and Supporting College Students on the Spectru

PRESENTERS: Dr. Laura Klinger (UNC-Chapel Hill, TEACCH Autism Program) & Glenna Osborne (UNC-Chapel Hill, TEACCH Autism Program)
WHEN: 9am-4:30pm, Tuesday, May 16, 2023 
WHERE: Regina Hall, Rm. 123, Saint Mary’s College of Notre Dame, IN
CAPACITY: This event is limited to 72 participants.
REGISTRATION FEE: $25 (includes continental breakfast, cafeteria-style lunch, and afternoon coffee break). The registration fee is non-refundable, but may be transferred to another person in the event that the original registrant cannot attend. 
CEUs: All participants will receive a Certificate of Completion.
This training is designed to help college and university faculty members understand the primary differences that influence the overall experience of students with autism in higher education settings. Participants will develop and hone strategies and tools for improving the success of students with ASD in and outside of the classroom. The format of the training will combine presentation and interactive components as well as time for questions and discussion.

Past Workshops

Introduction to JASPER

PRESENTER: Dr. Connie Kasari (UCLA)
WHEN: Thursday, March 3, 2022
WHERE: Rice Commons, Student Center, Saint Mary’s College
CAPACITY: 80 participants.
REGISTRATION FEE: $25 (included continental breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack). The registration fee was non-refundable, but could be transferred to another person in the event that the original registrant cannot attend.
CEUs: All participants received a Certificate of Completion.
LODGING: A special rate of $109 per night was available to workshop participants at the Inn at Saint Mary’s

JASPER (Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement, and Regulation) is a treatment approach based on a combination of developmental and behavioral principles developed by Dr. Connie Kasari at UCLA. It targets the foundations of social communication (joint attention, imitation, play) and uses naturalistic strategies to increase the rate and complexity of social communication. In this one day workshop, Dr. Kasari described the foundations of JASPER, presented the research evidence supporting use of JASPER, explained strategies employed in JASPER sessions, and showed the importance of assessment in informing treatment targets and tracking progress.

PEERS® For Adolescents Certified Social Skills Training Seminar: Parent-Assisted Social Skills Training Program

PRESENTER: Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson (UCLA)
WHEN: February 27–29, 2020 (9am–5pm each day)
WHERE: Earley Conference Rooms, Student Center, Saint Mary’s College
CAPACITY: 80 participants
REGISTRATION FEE: $150 (included cost of training manual, electronic resources, daily continental breakfasts, lunches, and afternoon snacks). The registration fee was non-refundable, but could be transferred.
CEUs: Qualified participants became “PEERS® Certified Providers” for the PEERS® for Adolescents program. All participants received a Certificate of Completion.

This PEERS® for Adolescents Certified Training Seminar was designed to instruct mental health professionals, educators and school-based professionals, medical professionals, speech and language pathologists, occupational, recreational, and behavioral therapists, researchers, and other professionals who work with youth with social challenges in the administration and implementation of the parent-assisted PEERS® for Adolescents intervention in a clinical or educational setting. This certified training provided a model for an evidence-based social skills treatment for teens in middle school and high school (ages 11-18) with ASD, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression and other social difficulties, particularly with respect to friendships. The training included a component on how to run the parent portion of the intervention. The workshop was conducted across 3 days (24 hours total of training), and included video demonstrations, role-playing exercises, clinical and research materials, and didactic instruction from Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson, Founder and Director of the UCLA PEERS® Clinic and co-developer of the PEERS® intervention.

TEACCH® Two-Day Workshop: Strategies for Success in General Education for Individuals with ASD

WHO: Laura Klinger, PhD (Executive Director, TEACCH Autism Program, University of North Carolina) & Allison Butwinski (Autism Specialist, TEACCH Autism Program, UNC)
WHEN: Tuesday, March 12–Wednesday, March 13, 2019 (9am–4pm EST each day)
WHERE: Rice Commons, Student Center, Saint Mary’s College
COST: $50 (includes lunches, snacks and materials). Registration and lunch fees are non-refundable, but may be transferred.
CAPACITY: 50 participants
CEUs: Participants received a Certificate of Completion.

This two-day workshop was led by Laura Klinger, Ph.D. (Executive Director, TEACCH Autism Program, University of North Carolina) and Allison Butwinski (Autism Specialist, TEACCH Autism Program). The workshop focused on educating students ages 6-19 with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who spend the majority of their day in the general education classroom following the standard course of study. Participants learned about the characteristics of ASD and strategies to address educational and social emotional issues that affect success in the general education classroom. The format included presentation, video and small group activities.

TEACCH® One-Day Workshop: Transitioning to Employment and Postsecondary Education with Autism Spectrum Disorder

WHO: Laura Klinger, Ph.D. (Executive Director, TEACCH Autism Program, University of North Carolina) & Allison Butwinski (Autism Specialist, TEACCH Autism Program, UNC)
WHEN: Monday, March 11, 2019 (9am–4:30pm EST)
WHERE: O’Laughlin Auditorium, Saint Mary’s College
COST: $20 (with optional lunch for an additional $7.48). Registration and lunch fees were non-refundable, but could be transferred.
CEUs: Participants received a Certificate of Completion

Laura Klinger, Ph.D. (Executive Director, TEACCH Autism Program, University of North Carolina) and Allison Butwinski (Autism Specialist, TEACCH Autism Program) reviewed knowledge about adult outcomes for individuals with ASD with a focus on identifying childhood factors that predict a higher quality of life. Interventions supporting transition to adulthood for both concrete learners with ASD and learners graduating with a general education diploma were discussed. Participants received a Certificate of Completion.

Play Project Two-Day Intensive Workshop

WHO: Richard Solomon, MD (Founder of the PLAY Project)
WHEN: December 7–8, 2018 (9:30am–4:30pm EST each day)
WHERE: Rice Commons, Student Center, Saint Mary’s College
COST: $50 (this fee is non-refundable, but may be transferred)
CEUs available. All participants who completed the workshop will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Richard Solomon, MD, presented an overview of his autism early intervention program The PLAY Project™. This professional development opportunity provided an outline of The PLAY Project methods and principles along with case studies to gain immediate skills in helping children with autism. The workshop consisted of case studies, video analysis of parent and child interaction, and group activities that developed skills in play-based, developmental and behavioral techniques for engaging children with autism and other developmental delays. This workshop was the first step in pursuing the Certified PLAY Project and Teaching PLAY Consultant credential.

PEERS® for Adolescents Certified Training Seminar: Parent-Assisted Social Skills Training Program

WHO: Elizabeth Laugeson, PsyD (UCLA)
WHEN: Thursday, April 26, 2018–Saturday, April 28, 2018 (9am–5pm EST each day)
WHERE: Rice Commons, Student Center, Saint Mary’s College
COST: $100
CAPACITY: 100 participants
CEUs: Qualified participants became “PEERS® Certified Providers” for the PEERS® for Adolescents program.

The PEERS® for Adolescents Certified Training Seminar is designed to instruct mental health professionals, medical professionals, and/or educators on the administration and implementation of the parent-assisted PEERS® for Adolescents intervention in a clinical-type setting. This certified training provides a model for an evidence-based social skills treatment for teens in middle school and high school (age 11-18) with ASD, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression and other social difficulties, particularly with respect to friendships. Upon completion of this training, qualified participants became “PEERS® Certified Providers” for the PEERS® for Adolescents program.

Introduction to Pivotal Response Treatment®

WHO: Bob Koegel, PhD, & Lynn Koegel, PhD, CCC-SLP (Stanford University School of Medicine)
WHEN: Friday, March 2, 2018 (9am–3:15pm EST)
WHERE: O'Laughlin Auditorium, Student Center, Saint Mary’s College
COST: Free
CAPACITY: 600 participants
CEUs: Participants earned Level 1 Certification in Pivotal Response Treatment®

Bob and Lynn Koegel presented an overview of Pivotal Response Treatment®, a naturalistic behavioral intervention for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder that targets pivotal areas of development, including motivation, responsivity to multiple cues, initiations, and self-management. The presentation reviewed research-supported motivational strategies that have been shown to significantly increase child engagement in learning opportunities, thus increasing the speed of new skill acquisition and decreasing disruptive behavior. Individuals who completed this workshop earned Level 1 Certification in Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT)®.

The Autism Studies Workshop Series is supported by a generous gift from the Peter B. and Adeline W. Ruffin Foundation.

Sponsored by the Master of Autism Studies Program at Saint Mary’s College