175th Anniversary Portraits: Recommend a Story

175th Anniversary of Saint Mary's College – Notre Dame, Indiana

Portraits of Our First 175 Years

Thank you for taking the time to submit a recommendation for an individual to feature as part of our 175th anniversary celebration. Our goal is to capture and share portraits of the women and men who best represent Saint Mary's College. We are looking specifically for either:

  • an alumna or other individual who was positively impacted by their Saint Mary's experience and is a strong representation of our core values and mission; or
  • an individual who made a lasting impact on or directly shaped and formed the College during the last 175 years by giving their time, talents, or treasure.

Who is Saint Mary's to You?

Use this form to tell us about the person (or people) who best represent Saint Mary's or have been instrumental in it's formation and delivery of an outstanding academic experience. Please note, this submission is considered a nomination as we are likely unable to share them all.

Tell Us About Them

What is their relationship with the College?
Please check all that apply.
If selecting other, please explain.

Worth Remembering...

Please complete ONE of the four options below to share with our readers what your nominee should be remembered for. Options include quotes, specific impact they made on the College OR on their communities because of their Saint Mary's experience, what they might have been known for at Saint Mary's, and/or what part of our core values they best represent. Note: This information will serve as the subhead of the portrait and should call to attention the essential story you wish to share.

The core value they best represent:
Please click on the ONE core value that best describes your nominee then share with us why in the field(s) below.
Describe in 15 words or less how your nominee is committed to academic excellence and fosters(ed) an environment where all members of the community learn with and from each other.
Describe in 15 words or less how your nominee helps/helped to sustain a vital community of mutual respect where each member is valued and where all are bound by a common purpose.
Describe in 15 words or less how your nominee is/was committed to meeting the spiritual needs of members of all faith traditions and encouraged and supported campus community members as they grow spiritually and as they lead lives of faith.
Describe in 15 words or less how your nominee acts/ed as a responsible stewards of resources both on and beyond the campus and/or advocates/ed social action and practice principles of justice and compassion.

Their Story

In your own words, tell us their story. You'll have approximately 250 words or less to capture their essence so watch your word count!

Supporting photo(s)

Your name and contact information

Please submit your phone number if you feel comfortable with us contacting you for more information.

Help us get permission

In order to appropriately publish these stories, we will be reaching out to the nominee (or surviving family members) for permission. Please share with us any contact information you might have to help us with this endeavor.

If possible, please provide us with an email to contact the nominee or family (our preferred method of contact)
Enter the full address (Street Address, City, State, Zip Code)