2020 Celebration Graduate and Visitor Information

On-campus Housing for Graduates 

For those who registered for on-campus housing, check in will be at the Le Mans front desk Friday 3 p.m. to 11 p.m., and Saturday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. If you arrive after 11 p.m., please go to Campus Safety to pick up your room key. Check out/key return will also be at the Le Mans front desk from Sunday 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. When you check in, you will receive a room key and meal tickets (if you registered for breakfast in the Dining Hall). Rooms will have bedding, towels and soap, a cup, and an ice bucket. 

Eating On Campus

During the celebration weekend, the Dining Hall will be open for breakfast from 8-10 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. The 1844 Grill will also be open Friday 9-4 p.m. and Saturday 8-3 p.m.

Bookstore Hours for Commencement Weekend

The Shaheen Bookstore will be open Friday, May 27, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday, May 28, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., and Sunday, May 29, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

COVID-19 Considerations

COVID-19 variants are increasingly present locally and in places from which you and your classmates are traveling, therefore continued caution is most prudent. Vaccinated participants are strongly encouraged to take a COVID-19 test immediately prior to traveling to campus to identify asymptomatic cases. 

A couple of additional safety measures to consider:

You are encouraged to bring at-home test kits in case symptoms develop while on campus. Testing is not available through Saint Mary’s. Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 during the Commencement Celebration must leave campus promptly. There will be no isolation or quarantine options available at Saint Mary’s over the weekend.

We invite anyone who wishes to wear a mask to do so. Masking is not currently required at the College, with a few, clearly marked exceptions. Be prepared by carrying a mask with you at all times. While we will have masks available, we recommend bringing your own masks with you. 

In partnership with state and local health officials, the College has instituted public health protocols to keep the campus community and local communities as safe as possible. All of the College’s health and safety protocols will be in effect for Commencement weekend. 

Rain Ticket Information

In the event of rain the day of Commencement, the ceremony will move to Angela Athletic & Wellness Complex. No tickets are required to attend. The doors to Angela will open at 11 a.m.

If the decision is made to move the ceremony inside, it will be announced by 9 a.m. to the community via email, social media, and the College website. Note that the ceremony will be livestreamed if it is held outdoors or indoors. A simulcast will be shown on campus in O’Laughlin Auditorium, Moreau Center for the Arts, starting at 12 p.m. Seating is general admission, first come first served.

Parking and Campus Map

Commencement parking is available at three locations on campus:

  • Angela Parking Lot
  • Science Hall Parking Lot
  • Commuter Parking Lot

Handicapped parking is available in the Clubhouse Parking Lot (southeast of Madeleva Hall). Golf carts will be available to take guests from the handicapped parking lot to the Le Mans Green for the Commencement ceremony.

Commencement Parking Map

For additional questions, contact the President’s Office at president@saintmarys.edu or (574) 284-4603.