Thomas Aquinas and the Demons of Work
Mar 31
College Student Center, Rice CommonsMar 31
College Student Center, Rice CommonsThursday, Mar. 31 | 7:30 PM | Free Event |
In this presentation, St. Thomas Aquinas, who was a relentless worker and arguably someone who suffered from burnout, will guide us through the ways we can confront our demons: the work ethic, acedia, and burnout.
Jonathan Malesic is an essayist, journalist, and scholar whose writing has been recognized as notable in Best American Essays (2019, 2020, 2021) and Best American Food Writing (2020) and has received special mention in the Pushcart Prize anthology (2019). His new book, The End of Burnout: Why Work Drains Us and How to Build Better Lives, traces his own history as someone who burned out of a tenured job to frame this rigorous investigation of how and why so many of us feel worn out, alienated, and useless in our work. To learn more, visit
The event is free and open to the public as well as members of the campus community.
Reception and book signing to follow.
Livestream at:
The Aquinas Scholar in Residence is sponsored by the Joyce McMahon Hank Aquinas Chair in Catholic Theology. To learn more about this lecture series and see past speakers, visit