Dive into different cultures. Expand your thinking. Experience the global economy firsthand. A hallmark of your pathway at Saint Mary’s is the opportunity to study abroad. Our students learn math in Budapest and explore marine biology in Belize. They’re traveling to Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America—most with financial assistance. Whether you go during spring break or the entire summer, for an academic semester or a full year, studying abroad will be a life-changing part of your education. You can go. You should go! Let’s make it happen.
The Global Education Office (GEO) believes studying abroad is an opportunity for students to grow and develop independence, intercultural competence, and resilience that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Studying abroad requires both planning and flexibility. Students are encouraged to plan early and discuss different opportunities with their advisors. There are programs available for all majors! We are here to help guide you through meeting with your chosen program contact, applying for a passport, gathering recommendations, and more. The application process can take time, so planning, preparing, and meeting the required deadline is essential.
Your study abroad experience expands beyond your time in your host city. Before you go, you’ll need to prepare. And after you return, you'll have opportunities to connect your experience with life back home. Check out these resources for information about all the different stages of the study abroad experience.