Saint Mary\'s Stories Archive
October 10, 2023
Department of Athletics Announces Addition of STUNT
The Saint Mary's College Department of Athletics announced the addition of STUNT as the newest varsity program along with the hiring of Jillian Humphrey as the head coach selected to build the program. Saint Mary's is the first NCAA Division III college or university in the state of Indiana to add STUNT as a varsity sport.
October 9, 2023
College is a Bag of Beans
The College has been ripe with cultural events this fall. There is so much to do, and in her monthly letter, President Conboy brings to mind the many ways there is to learn. "A college education is a bag of beans: it’s up to students to plant them, climb the stalks, find the treasures."
September 29, 2023
Saint Mary’s Faculty Selected as Artist of Distinction
Ian Weaver, an artist and associate professor at Saint Mary’s has been selected as a 2023 DeHaan Artist of Distinction, administered through the Indy Arts Council.
September 20, 2023
Notable Speaker Series To Feature Current Poet Laureate
On Thursday, September 21, the 24th Poet Laureate of the United States, Ada Limón, will take the stage at O’Laughlin Auditorium. Limón comes to Saint Mary’s as the 2023 Francis A. McAnaney Humanities Lecture speaker.
September 18, 2023
Saint Mary’s College Receives Four Key Rankings from US News & World...
Saint Mary’s College received four national rankings from U.S. News and World Report’s in its list of Best Colleges for 2024.
September 6, 2023
First-Generation Students Help Others
At Saint Mary’s, nearly a third of the Class of 2027 is considered first generation. As the first-year, first-gens arrived on campus last month, a group of established first-generation students—sophomores, juniors, and seniors—helped make sure this new cohort felt welcome and at home.
September 6, 2023
New Title IX Officer Announced
Saint Mary's hires its first full-time Title IX officer. Elizabeth Baumann, LCSW, has worked at the College since 2019, most recently as the director of student involvement and advocacy.
September 1, 2023
Alumna Takes Charge at Smithsonian Folkways Recordings
Maureen Loughran ’95 manages the sounds of the world for a living. She believes her experiences in the music program and encouragement to explore new things during her time at Saint Mary’s College were essential for her academic and professional growth.
August 31, 2023
All Y’all Are Welcome Here
On the first Sunday after their arrival on campus, President Conboy spoke with several first-year students after Mass. In her August letter to the community, she reflects on this conversation, and how the simple phrase "all y'all" embodies the welcoming spirit of Saint Mary's College.