From Dreams to Reality

On February 22, 2013, Saint Mary’s College publically announced the Faith Always, Action Now $80 million campaign at an on campus event for students, faculty, staff, and invited guests. At a celebratory dinner that evening, President Mooney shared her impressions of the evening and the importance of the campaign. The following are excerpts from her remarks to those attending:

What a wonderful evening. The energy in O’Laughlin was infectious. Tonight we launch the public phase of this journey that we call Faith Always, Action Now. This Campaign is transforming Saint Mary’s College. The Campaign Steering Committee and the College Development staff have worked tirelessly to get us to this point – we are at 75% of our goal. We will meet our $80 million goal and even exceed it. I need to extend a personal word of thanks to the Campaign tri-chairs Mary Burke ‘89, Sarah Earley ‘71, and Susan Rice ‘61 for their tireless support of this effort. As in all that we do, we stand on the shoulders of our predecessors, so I also want to thank my classmate, Mary Lou Gorno ‘72, who led our last Campaign and is with us tonight. My work on the Campaign so far has been a great joy because of you and your passion for Saint Mary’s. In fact, I can’t wait for the grand finale – to be with you again as we celebrate a successful conclusion to this bold Campaign.

Tonight we heard that this is the moment to shape our future. A future that will allow the next generations of young women to flourish here – just like the ones you saw earlier tonight. Everything we do here every day feeds the minds, hearts, and souls of the young women entrusted to us. As you saw earlier tonight, these efforts have the power to transform lives and, indeed, in some cases even save lives.

At my inauguration nine years ago I spoke about the four young Sisters of the Holy Cross who bravely left France, crossed the Atlantic, and had the vision and courage to start a school for young women. Long before the push for women’s equality Saint Mary’s was built by women –for women. The Sisters of the Holy Cross have always believed in the value and importance of women’s education, and with courage, faith, and perseverance they pushed forward.

Now, we must continue to push boldly forward. Saint Mary’s College provides an education that is second to none. I love it when someone challenges me about the relevance of a women’s college in today’s world. I guess that is my Saint Mary’s education coming out – we all love a challenge! I am the person I am today because of my Saint Mary’s education. My classroom experiences taught me to lead. I wasn’t the president of a club or an organization, but I left here full of confidence in my ability to achieve any goal I set. No challenge was too large, and nothing intimidated me. I formed my adult faith life here, a faith that has carried me through the joys and challenges of life. And, of course, we do all of that for today’s students.

So, again, I ask you to join me in my excitement about our future. Join me and so many others - make a commitment that will shape our future. This Campaign is transforming Saint Mary’s. Together we can, and will, ensure that the next generations of Saint Mary’s women find their voices here just like we did. Our graduates leave us uncommonly well prepared for a world that needs women with intellectual vigor, aesthetic appreciation, religious sensibility and social responsibility. That is the core of a Saint Mary’s Education. I know I can count on you to join me on this exciting journey. Our students deserve our best efforts. They deserve a Saint Mary’s education. Our faith and the wisdom of our predecessors brought us to this point – as we leave tonight let us go boldly forward for Saint Mary’s College. It is our time to turn our dreams into reality.