Nekvasil Named Provost

 Saint Mary’s Office of the President Logo

September 1, 2017 

Dear Saint Mary's Community,

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Nancy Nekvasil as Saint Mary’s new Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, effective immediately.

Nancy Nekvasil

With Nancy’s designation, Saint Mary’s national search for the position of provost is suspended. I want to acknowledge and thank our dedicated and hard-working Provost Search Committee co-chaired by Vice President for Enrollment Management Mona Bowe and Associate Professor Karen Chambers, and the firm Academic Search, for their guidance and for helping Saint Mary’s identify the right person for the College at this time. 

Since July 1, Nancy has held the position on an interim basis. Feedback from various stakeholder groups — including the Faculty Assembly Leadership, the Provost Search Committee, and the Academic Affairs Council — and from many of you following this week’s campus forum with Nancy, made it evident that she is an outstanding fit for the permanent position. Nancy clearly understands the challenges and opportunities facing Saint Mary’s, and how to seize new possibilities.

Nancy brings multiple dimensions to the role. As an accomplished physiologist, a distinguished teacher committed to Saint Mary’s undergraduate and graduate education, and an experienced campus leader and administrator, she has demonstrated her wide-ranging expertise and commitment to the College’s mission.

I am grateful that Nancy will continue to share those gifts with the campus community in this vital position. Please join me in thanking and congratulating Nancy for all she has done, and will continue to do, to advance Saint Mary’s as a top, Catholic women’s college as Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

In Saint Mary’s,
Jan Cervelli